12 - Those are strings Pinocchio

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Avery was at Luke's working, and get into a very heated fight with the toaster, which included her beating it with a spatula until Luke came up to her and took it out of her hand "You'll make it worse," He tells her

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Avery was at Luke's working, and get into a very heated fight with the toaster, which included her beating it with a spatula until Luke came up to her and took it out of her hand "You'll make it worse," He tells her. Avery crosses her arms "You don't know that." Luke just gives her a pointed look "I miss Jess, he knew how to fix the toaster," the girl grumbles as her mom and sister walk through the door of the diner with giant backpacks.

Luke looks at them and then back at the girl in front of him "Yeah, no. You deal with that," he says before walking into the kitchen. Avery sighs and walks over to the other Gilmore's "Oh god- Mom, you can't do that," Avery tells her mother as she watches the woman start to take off her shoes "I don't see a 'no shirt, no shoes, no service sign,"

It's right here. Now, put your shoes back on," The girl deadpans while pointing to herself. "Were in pain, Avery," Rory whines "    It's great that you guys are bearing it so nobly. And can you move these?" Avery says sarcastically before gesturing to the bags that her mother and sister had dropped in the middle of the floor. "Can? No. Would if we could? Debatable," Lorelai tells her youngest daughter.

Avery huffs and moves the bags out of the way "I really don't like it when you guys come in here," She grumbles "You spend too much time with Luke. You're starting to sound like him," Lorelai says, earning a nod from Rory and a sharp look from Avery. "At least Luke acts like a civilized human being. Now, put your shoes back on,"


    Tuesday night, the Gilmore twins and Tristan are walking through the town square talking about summer plans "I still can't picture the Gilmore girls backpacking," Tristan says, earning small pouts from the twins. They get to Luke's and Avery stops them "I left my book here yesterday, let me go grab it. I'll be right back," She tells them before walking into the diner, leaving Rory and Tristan outside alone.

    Avery walks behind the counter where Luke told her he had put her book and grabs it, walking out of the diner again "Okay, I got it we can-" Avery freezes when she sees Rory and Tristan quickly jump away from each other, breathing heavily and lips slightly swollen. The girl stood there as her sister and Tristan stared at her like deer caught in the headlights. After a moment, Avery just scoffed and pushed past them, ignoring the pleading calls coming from behind her as she walked home. How could she have been so stupid?

    Avery continued to ignore them when they reached the house, slamming the front door behind her, only for it to be opened a second later by Rory and Tristan. When Lorelai heard the door slam she came rushing out of the kitchen and into the living room "What the hell is going on?" she asked, looking between the three teens. "Why don't you ask them?" Avery says turning around sharply to cast sharp glares at Rory and Tristan.

    "What?" Lorelai asked, confused. Tristan cleared his throat "Uh, Rory and I kissed," He says, rubbing the back of his neck. Lorelai's face falls as she turns to look at the younger twin with a sad look. "Hayden, just let us explain,"

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