2.1 - Ballrooms and Biscotti

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It wasn't the summer Avery had originally planned, but it was still a damn good one

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It wasn't the summer Avery had originally planned, but it was still a damn good one. She ended up staying in New York for most of the summer, while occasionally going back to Boston to see her father. A lot of her time was spent with Logan, Colin, and Finn before they left for Europe. If Avery wanted to do something, they would do it, because they found it nearly impossible to tell the girl no.

Unfortunately for them, Avery had picked up on it and had used it to her advantage. The girl was on a mission to find the best coffee in New York and would often drag the three of them out of bed every morning to come with her to a new coffee shop she had heard of. The girl was yet to find a cup of coffee that came close to Luke's.

Now, Avery was sitting in the corner of a small café', scribbling away in her journal, when someone sat down across from her. The girl glanced up and smiled "What took you so long, Greaser?" Jess rolled his eyes as he sat down, smiling slightly when Avery slid a cup of coffee toward him "Sorry, Bennett. Subway was shut down,"

Avery and Jess had spent a good amount of time together during summer as well. After going to California for a bit, the boy ended up coming back to New York and called Avery to see if she would be able to visit.

Avery closed her journal and placed it into her bag "So, when do you leave New York?" Jess asks "Tomorrow," She tells him "Have you talked to Rory or Tristan at all?" The girl shook her head and pursed her lips "Nope"

Avery hadn't talked to Rory or Tristan the entire summer, she barely even thought about them. The girl had been so distracted and had been having so much fun with her boys, that the night before graduation never really crossed her mind. And, she couldn't be more grateful.

Jess and Avery spent a few hours at the Café' talking before bidding each other goodbye. The next day, the girl took a train back to Boston to get her car before making the journey back to Stars Hollow.


When Avery got back to Stars Hollow, she immediately wanted to go back to New York. Not only had the girl been thriving in the city, but she also just wasn't ready to see her sister. Luckily for the youngest Gilmore, Lorelai and Rory were not back from their trip yet. So, she did the only thing that was worth doing in Stars Hollow on a Sunday evening. She went to Luke's,

Luke stood behind the counter in his diner and looked up when he heard the door open. A small smile made its way to his face when he saw none other than Avery Gilmore walk in with a bright smile on her face. "Hiya Luke. Can I get some coffee,"

"I'll allow it. But only because I missed you," Luke tells her, pouring the coffee "Aw, Luke. You big softie," Avery says as the man hands her the cup.

"How was your summer Avery?"

"It was great." She tells him, Luke clears his throat before speaking up again "How's, Uh- how's he, you know?" Avery gave Luke a soft smile "He's doing really good,"

"Good, that's good,"

"He's actually gonna be moving to Philadelphia soon. He's excited, or well, as excited as Jess gets. I think it'll be good for him," Avery says


Avery watched through her bedroom window as the airport transport van drove off, leaving Lorelai and Rory in the yard with their bags. The girl closed her curtain and took a deep breath before making her descent down the stairs and out the front door.

Lorelai let out and excited squeal when she saw Avery standing on the front porch and ran over to her, nearly knocking the girl over with her hug "I've missed you so much. I want you to tell me everything about New York. Did you meet any cute boys? How's the coffee there?" Lorelai started asking questions as the two walked into the house, with Rory trailing behind.

"Well, New York was great. I spent most of my time with very cute guys. And, as far as coffee goes, most of it's okay, nothing compares to Luke's coffee though," Avery tells her mom, laughing slightly at her excitement. Avery then looks over at her sister who's just awkwardly standing there and Lorelai clears her throat "I'm gonna go unpack," She says before darting up the stairs to leave her daughter alone.

"So, how was your trip?" Rory asks awkwardly "You standing right here when I told mom," Avery replies with a clipped tone, making Rory sigh



"How long are you gonna keep acting like this?"

"Depends. How much longer do you intend on making me wait for an apology?"

"I'm sorry,"

Avery just turns on her heels and walks up the stairs and back into her bedroom. The second she falls onto her bed, her phone starts ringing "What?" She asks as she answers the call "I thought you would be happier to hear from me, Angel" Logan says. Avery sighs "Sorry,"

"Bad day?" He asks "No, my day was fine up until like five minutes ago," She tells him "I'm sorry, do you- Go away, Colin,"

"Is that Avery? Let me talk to her" Avery chuckles while she listens to Logan and Colin argue over the phone "Hi, Angel"

"Hi, Colin. How's Europe?" Avery asks


"That doesn't sound good,"

"We sunk a yacht. Well technically, Finn sunk a yacht,"

"You guys have only been gone for two weeks and you already sunk a boat?"

"No, not a boat. A yacht, there's a difference. And its partially your fault,"

"How the hell did I get dragged into this?"

"We spent so much time with you, that we got used to having someone around to keep us in check. Now that we don't have you, we've gone berserk and don't know what to do with ourselves."

Avery laughed at Colin's words before glancing up and seeing her mom standing at her bedroom door "Hey, Colin I got to go. Try not to get into any more trouble," Avery said "We'll try. We miss you, Angel" Avery smiled when she heard Logan and Finn yelling goodbye to her in the background before ending the call and looking back over at her mother "Hey, who was that?" Lorelai asked, smiling at her daughter, taking a seat on the foot of the girls bed "Just a friend. What's up?"

"I just wanted to check in on you. We haven't had a proper talk since you left," Lorelai said "You seem like you're doing good. You seem happy. And you look great," The woman continues. "I've been great, I had some good company over the summer," Avery tells her mom. "I can see that. You had a pretty big smile while you were on the phone,"

"Have you talked to Tristan at all?" Avery shakes her head "No, and I don't intend on doing so anytime soon," Lorelai sighs "Honey, I know you're hurt, but he's your best friend. And, you guys are gonna be going to the same school, you're bound to bump into each other."

"Yale's a big school," Avery says "Maybe, I'll talk to him again in the future, but right now I just wanna focus on the fact that I start my first year at Yale soon. I want to focus on the good, not the bad," 

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