2.9 - Midnight Memories

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SUMMER '02 - New York City

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SUMMER '02 - New York City

In a random apartment in New York City stood Avery Gilmore with her three friends Colin, Finn, and Logan. Music pumped through the apartment as the smell of alcohol, sweat, and a little bit smoke wafted through the air. People were dancing, drinking, laughing.

After Avery left Stars Hollow, she only stayed in Boston for a few days, much to her father's disappointment. But, she couldn't sit in Boston doing nothing. It gave her a chance to dwell on her thoughts and that was the last thing she needed.

She came to New York and spent her time partying with the boys. Avery had been in the city for almost two weeks and she had been sober for more than maybe an hour. Her friends had become increasingly worried about her but, they had never dealt with anything like this so they didn't know what to do.

All they could do was hope that she would would be able to work through it. In their defense, she never told them the full story of what happened the night before graduation. All they knew was that Rory and Tristan had kissed. They didn't know what Rory had said to her, they didn't know just how broken she was.

When they entered the party the group split up. Well most of them did at least. Colin stayed close to Avery to make sure nothing happened to her. He sighed as he watched the girl down shot after shot and dance on a coffee table.

To most people, Avery Gilmore was undefinable. If you were to ask anyone to describe the girl they either wouldn't know how to answer or they would say the basics like 'she's nice' or 'she's smart'. But, if you were to ask Colin McCrae to describe her, he would be able to give you a list of all the things that made Avery, Avery.

Colin knew the little things. Like how she would play with the rings on her right hand when she was nervous or how she messed with her eyebrow when she was focused. He knew how much pressure she put on herself to do well in fear that she would just disappear to all the peoples around her.

Avery was strong and independent and incredibly stubborn. But, she was also a hopeless romantic. She wanted the kind of relationship you only saw in movies or fairytales. She wanted a dramatic heartfelt love confession and kisses in the rain. She wanted flowers, but not roses. No, she hated roses. Dahlias were her favorite flowers.

Avery once said that she would know a guy truly cared about her if he knew what her favorite flower was. So, Colin found out what they were and remembered. To Colin, there was no limit to how incredible Avery Gilmore was.

Colin took a deep breath as he watched her stumble off the table she had been dancing on and start to go get another drink. Normally he would just stay back and let her do what she had wanted, but this time he couldn't. He couldn't watch her drown herself in alcohol until she was numb. So he grabbed her arm and pulled her down the hall into an empty bedroom

"What the hell is wrong with you, Colin" Avery asked angrily as she attempted to push him out of the way of the bedroom door. The boy didn't budge though. "Me? What the hell is wrong with you?" He snapped

"What are you talking about? I'm fine" Avery's words were pretty unconvincing considering there a hiccup in between each one. That was another thing Colin had noted, she gets really bad hiccups when she's drunk. "No, you're not, Avery"

The girl looked taken aback when he used her first name. "You're drunk all the time. You keep pretending you're fine but I can tell you're not. You're hurting and there's more to it than what you've told us." Colin said unintentionally raising his voice.

"You don't know me, Colin." Avery snapped. The boy scoffed "Yeah, okay. Let's pretend that's true. Am I wrong?" Avery huffed as she sat down on the bed "I just want you to tell me what's going on so I can help. I want to help" he said softly. Avery looked up at him with tears in her eyes "she told me she thought she was better than me,"

"What?" Avery looked down at her hands and started fiddling with her rings, the ones on the right hand, not the left, it was always the right. "It sounds stupid, but all my life I've always been put behind Rory. She was always smarter, nicer, prettier. I always fell into the background. And I knew that, I knew everyone thought she was better than me. But, I was okay with it because I always thought Rory saw us as equals. It was all okay because In my sisters eyes I wasn't any less than her. But, I was wrong." Colin sat next to her and wiped the tears off her cheek

"Angel, that is the furthest thing from the truth. You aren't any less than anyone and anybody who tells you otherwise can jump off a cliff because that would be more logical. There's a reason we call you Angel. It's because wherever you are there's a golden hue that follows you and makes you stand out. Also because you're incredibly gorgeous but that beside the point" Avery let out a small laugh at the last sentence and smiled at him.

"Thank you" she said quietly. They sat there in a comfortable silence gazing into each other's eyes before Colin cleared his throat "you want to go get some coffee?" He said standing up and holding his hand out for her. Her smile faltered for a second but she nodded and grabbed his hand before they left.

No matter how badly Colin may have wanted to kiss her in that moment, he didn't. He was gonna wait and he was gonna give her the fairytale moment she dreamed of and deserved. He also wanted her to remember the moment and he knew that this night was gonna be a very foggy memory for her.

He wrong though, Avery remembered that night perfectly. Avery remembered every word he said to her and she held onto them.

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