5 - The bracebridge dinner

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Lorelai, Rory, and Avery were currently standing in the center of town building a snowman

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Lorelai, Rory, and Avery were currently standing in the center of town building a snowman. "How do you like that for a mouth?" Lorelai asks her twins. Avery tilts her head "It's not very mouth like," She tells her mother, Rory nodding in agreement. "Oh, I think it works," Lorelai says

    "It's tilted to the side," Rory tells her. Lorelai scoffs "Uh, yeah, it was intentional. It gives a unique expression." Avery playfully rolls her eyes "Like she had a stroke?" she asks "Fine. I'll just use Mrs. potato head lips," Lorelai says with a huff. "No, forget it, leave stroke mouth. It's not like we'll win anyway," Rory says with a small frown, looking at a man working on an elaborate snow sculpture.

    Avery puts when she sees the snowman "It's a little over the top if you ask me. I got to go, I promised Luke I would work today," She says. Lorelai gives her daughter a kiss on the cheek before the girl leaves.

    Avery enters Luke's and starts walking behind the counter "Stop. Have you eaten?" Luke asks standing in her way "No" she answers. "Sit" Luke says, pointing at a stool and placing a plate of fries in front of her "Eat, then work" He tells her. Avery shrugs, "Don't have to tell me twice."


    Avery and Tristan are sitting in the living room studying when the boy groans and drops his head onto the coffee table "Come on, Tristan. Just take a guess," Avery tells him "Why do I need to know what year Shakespeare was born?" Avery rolls her eyes "Because the test is about him,"

    "Can we take a break? Lets go find something fun to do," Tristan suggests with a smile. "What kind of fun do you think you're gonna find on a Friday night in Stars Hollow?" The girl asks, giving him a look. Tristan just sighs "Hey, how did you get out of Friday dinner anyways?" Avery shrugs "Whenever I don't want to go, I drop your name and my grandparents just accept it. Honestly, as long as Rory is there, I don't think they care if i show up or not,"

    "Now, back to Shakespeare." Tristan groans again and tries to drop his head again but Avery puts her hand out before and stops him before his head hits the table. "Come on, we're almost done. After this we can get some food and watch a movie or something," She tells him. The boy perks up and smiles.


    The Gilmore girl and Sookie are sitting at a table in Luke's "I've got thirty pounds of aged beef, trays and trays of trout, mountains of pruned tarts. I diced pumpkins until my hands turned orange. I've got pumpkin hands." Sookie complains "Take a sip" Avery tells the woman pointing at her coffee mug. Sookie looks at Lorelai "How can you stay so calm?"

    "There's nothing we can do about it," Lorelai says with a shrug. "I cant believe they got snowed in," Rory says "All that work, all that extra help we hired. Oh well. At least they paid for it already. We didn't lose any money." Lorelai tells them. "Hey I could still make up dinner for the four of us," Sookie suggests, perking up at the idea

    "Yeah, but then it would just be the four of us in the dining room. It'd be like The Shining," Avery tells the woman with a slight grimace. "Yeah but instead of Jack Nicholson, we have Rune," Lorelai says, agreeing with the girl.

    "Hey, what about Luke?" Sookie asks as the said man walked up to them "What about me?" He asks, only to be ignored. "He eats. Jess eats. Doesn't Jess eat?" Sookie asks. Avery nods "Yeah, if its off other people's plates," The girl grumbles thinking about the fry the boy took from her the other day.

    "Why don't we invite everyone? It would be like one big out of control slumber party," Lorelai says as she looks up at Luke "Spread the word" The man just looks at her "I haven't said I'll yet. I'm not gonna become your messenger boy" He says only to be met with a pout from Lorelai "Yeah, okay" Luke sighs before walking away

    Lorelai smiles and turns to her youngest daughter "You could invite Tristan,"  Avery smiles as she pulls out her phone "No phones in the diner," Luke tells her, pointing at the sign. The girl just waves him off as she hold the phone up to her ear. Luke sighs and walks over to the girl. He pulls her chair out and pulls her out of the seat. Grabbing her beanie off of the table, he puts it on her head and pushes her out of the door. "No phones in the diner," He tells her again.

    Avery gives the man a pout before walking over to the bench that sat outside of the diner. "Hey, you know how you love me?" Avery asks Tristan on the phone when he picks up "No" He replies earning a scoff from the girl "Well you do. My mom had a cancellation at the inn and now we're hosting a big dinner there. How do you feel about having a sleepover with the wonderful freaks of Stars Hollow?" She asks him. The boys let out a small laugh "Yeah, I'm down. When is it?"

    "Tomorrow night. 7:00" She says "I'll be there" He tells her. The girl smiles and hangs up the phone, walking back into Luke's. "Tristan's in," She tells her mom and Sookie before turning to Luke and pointing at "You are mean," He just rolls his eyes at her.


    Lorelai, Rory, and Avery were standing in the lobby of the Inn waiting for people to arrive. "Hey dolls," Babette says as she and Morey walk into the Inn. "Are we the first ones here?" Morey asks, earning a nod from all three girls. Avery sees Tristan walks in and excuses herself, heading over to her best friend.

    "In the amount of times I've been to Stars Hollow, I've never seen this place. It's nice" Tristan says, looking around. Lorelai walks up to the teens "Okay, you guys are in room 62," She tells them. She starts to hand Avery the key but quickly retracts her hand "Oh god," Avery mutters, knowing exactly what was about to come out of her mothers mouth.

    "You know I trust you guys but you're still hormonal teenagers. Teen hormones and hotel rooms are never a good mix." Lorelai tells them. Tristan and Avery glance at each other as their faces contort into ones of disgust and they step away from each other. Lorelai smiles, "That reaction is enough for me." She says handing her daughter the keys and walking away.

    Avery turns to look at Tristan again and grimaces "Maybe I'll switch with Dean and share a room with Clara," She says. Tristan rolls his eyes and grabs Avery's wrist pulling her in the direction of their room.


    After dinner and an absolutely painful show, Avery and Tristan decided to go on one of the sleigh rides "Your snowman is awful," He says, earning a scoff from Avery "First, it's a snow woman and second, how do you know which one is ours?"

    "Because I know you guys and everything about that snowma- woman screams Gilmore girls," Tristan tells her "Anyway, I wanted to run an idea past you," Avery looks at him with furrowed brows and gestures for him to continue "How would you feel about going out to New Haven for a weekend and touring Yale this summer?"

    "Why?" Avery asks with a frown. Tristan sighed "You said everything about Harvard screamed Rory, Right?" Avery nods "Well, we're gonna see if Yale screams Avery," he tells her "What if it doesn't?" She asks him quietly "Then we'll go to every school out there until you find the one that does. I hate seeing you so down and I'm not gonna let you lose yourself before you ever really got a chance to know yourself," He tells her

    Avery smiles at him "Has anyone ever told you, you're a really good friend?"

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