9 - a deep fried korean thanksgiving

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 Avery couldn't sleep, her mind was racing

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 Avery couldn't sleep, her mind was racing. Which was why she was currently in the kitchen at two o'clock in the morning basically buried in muffins. "What is with all the banging and clanging?" Lorelai grumbled tiredly as she entered the kitchen. The woman's eyes widened when she looked around and saw muffins on basically every surface.

She then turned to her youngest daughter, who had yet to acknowledge her presence as she ran around the kitchen, eyes wide and hair a mess, looking for a place to put the most recent batch of muffins. Lorelai shook her head "Avery, what are you doing?" It was stupid question, the woman knew exactly what was happening. Avery was spiraling, anytime the girl got too stressed or was overly worried about something she would bake until there was no place left in the house for her to put the things she had baked.

Still, Lorelai was confused because this hasn't happened in almost three years. Now, whenever the younger twin was stressed or had too much on her plate she would call Tristan and it would usually calm her down. What was different this time? "Muffins. I'm making muffins. Tomorrow, well today, is Thanksgiving, I figured it would be nice to give people muffins," Avery told her mom, still not glancing in the woman's direction.

"Okay, well there's enough muffins in this kitchen to feed everyone in Stars Hollow. You're spiraling," Lorelai told her daughter. Avery ignored her and continued to place another batch into the oven "Honey, why don't you just try and get some sleep. You can call Tristan later and-" Avery cut her mother off "No, I can't"

"Why? Did you guys get into a fight? Is that what this is about?" Lorelai asked with furrowed brows. Avery shook her head "No, I just don't want to talk to him or his stupid perfect hazel eyes," The girl grumbled. Lorelai halted at the last sentence and sighed. She walked over to Avery and took the pan out of her hands before pulling her into the living room "Talk to me. What's going on?"

Avery let out a deep breath and ran a hand over face. "Have you ever noticed how annoyingly gorgeous he is?" The girl asked "Who? Tristan?" Lorelai asked, although she had a feeling she knew where this was going "Yes. I mean I knew he was attractive. I'd be stupid not to realize that. I just never really thought much of it. But, at that stupid disaster of a dance marathon I was all up close with him and looking at him and hes-" The girl rambled on but cut herself short when she saw the look her mom was giving her "What?'

Lorelai was smiling at her daughter softly "Honey, you like him," Avery's eyes widened and she shook her head rapidly "No. Nope. I can't, he's my best friend," Lorelai sighed "You're up at two o'clock in the morning thinking about how gorgeous he is. You like him," Avery's face dropped as she groaned "Oh my god," she muttered, leaning her head on her moms shoulder "I like him,"


It was Thanksgiving morning and the Gilmore girls were walking towards the market. After her talk with her mother, Avery had managed to get a little bit of sleep. Just not enough to deal with four Thanksgiving meals. "What's on the list?" Rory asks Lorelai "Flowers for everyone were visiting and cranberry sauce for the Kim's," Lorelai says

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