2.5 - A messenger, nothing more

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Avery and Rosemary came barreling into Luke's diner

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Avery and Rosemary came barreling into Luke's diner. They plopped themselves onto the stools and dramatically hit their hands on the counter "Coffee" They said in unison. "You two spend too much time together. And you drink too much coffee" Luke said rolling his eyes. "Hey, college is hard" Avery pouted

"You're on break," Luke pointed out "Yeah, but while were in school, we need ridiculous amounts of caffeine just to get a single assignment in on time," Rosemary argued "So?" Luke asked "So, now were hooked," The red head shrugged

"This ones been hooked since she was twelve" The man said pointing at Avery, making the girl point back at him "Hey, you love me Dane's. Don't pretend you don't" She said. Luke rolled his eyes and placed two cups in front of the girls "Just drink your coffee," He grumbled, before walking away. The two girls just smiled at him.


Avery and Rosemary were walking through the town square, arms linked and happily chatting. The red head had been there practically all summer and she loved every second of it. Even while Avery was working. While the brunette was working a shift at Luke's, Rosemary would either hang out at the diner or go to the Dragonfly. She had gotten into the habit of helping Sookie out in the kitchen, because as it turns out, Rosemary was actually a very good cook,"

"Rory gets back today," Rosemary pointed out, glancing at her best friend. After everything that went down the night of the test run with Rory and Dean the girl ended up going to Europe with her grandmother. She had been gone all summer. But, Avery wasn't complaining.

"Yes she does," Avery nodded "Have you talked to her?" Rosemary asked. "She actually called me last night," The brunette told her "Oh?" Rosemary asked with a raised eyebrow. All summer both Lorelai and Avery had gotten nothing but radio silence from Rory "Yeah, she asked me to deliver a letter to Dean,"

"You're kidding. Are you gonna do it?" The redhead questioned "Nope. I'm not her messenger. Our mom is though," Avery said, shaking her head. "What's in it?" Avery shrugged "Don't know, she wouldn't tell me. Whatever it is, I don't want to get involved,"


Avery was sitting in the lobby of the Dragonfly, reading while Rosemary helped Sookie in the kitchen. "Hey, I'm going to the airport to pick up your sister. Do you wanna come?" Avery looked up at her mother and shook her head "No thanks" she muttered.

"She told me about what you said," Lorelai said, sighing as she took a seat on the couch next to her daughter. Avery hummed and kept her attention on her book. "Go figure" the girl muttered "I'm proud of you," Lorelai said. Avery furrowed her brows and looked over at her mom "Really? You're not upset that I didn't forgive her fully?"

"No, if I was in your place I don't think I would have been able to forgive her at all. You stepped up and you were the bigger person, but you still set boundaries for yourself. I'm proud of you." Lorelai told her. Avery smiled at her mom.


Avery was wiping down tables at Luke's when Rosemary came running in "Avery, you should come see this." The Gilmore looked over at the redhead, confusion written on her face "Why?" Rosemary sighed and grabbed the girl's arm, pulling her out of the diner. "Luke, I'll be right back" Avery called to her boss before getting dragged out.

Rosemary pulled the girl to the town square where she saw her mom and sister having a very heated discussion with Lindsey and her mother. "Theresa, please. Calm down." Lorelai told Mrs. Lister "Calm down? My little girl has to come home and find your heinous letter in Dean's jacket."

Avery winced as Lindsey's mom told her sister off in the middle of the street. The youngest Gilmore couldn't say her sister didn't deserve to be yelled at, because she definitely did. But, she wasn't sure how she felt about it being done so publicly.

The younger twin watched as Mrs. Lister and Lindsey walked away from Rory and Lorelai. Avery walked over to the two of them and looked at her sister "Okay, what the hell was in that letter?" She asked. Rory cleared her throat and glanced between Lorelai and Avery. "Um... I... I told him...that... that night was special and...that I wasn't sorry that it happened. But he's married, and... he has to figure out his life. So I was going to make it easier for him and take myself out of the mix."

"Well, that was a very good letter," Lorelai told her oldest with sympathy. Avery just bit her tongue. The letter never should have needed to be written, but she refrained from saying anything because her sister had already been publicly humiliated once and it didn't seem worth it to start an argument. Avery felt bad for Lindsey, and she couldn't help but worry about her sister. Avery started noticing changes in Rory's personality over the past year, and the changes were definitely for the worst. She didn't like it one bit.


"Okay, call me when you get there," Lorelai said as Avery closed her trunk. "We will mom," the girl said smiling at her mom. "And call me if you need anything at all. That goes for both of you," Her mother continues looking between Avery and Rosemary. The redhead smiled at Lorelai "We will. Thank you,"

"Mom, we need to go," Avery said. Lorelai sighed and nodded "Yeah, okay. I'm just gonna miss having you two around all the time." The woman said, giving both girls a hug. "Drive safe," Rosemary and Avery nodded and got into the car. The brunette pulled out of the drive and started the drive to Yale.

"Year two. Are you ready for this?" Rosemary asked as they passed the sign telling them they were leaving Stars Hollow. "Absolutely. I've got a good feeling about this year," Avery said, nodding. Rosemary let out a small laugh "Yeah, I'm sure you do. Don't your friends come back to Yale this year?"

"They're supposed to. I haven't heard from them in awhile though, so I'm not actually sure," Avery shrugged "Regardless, I get to live with you again which is enough to tell me the year is gonna be great," The brunette continued with a smile "Aw peaches."

Avery's smile dropped as she glanced at her best friend "I told you not to call me that," She deadpans. Rosemary just smiles at her "I know, but I like how much it annoys you," 

A/N - Short chapter, but the boys come back in the next one!

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