11 - A tale of poes and fire

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Avery groaned at the sound of her phone ringing

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Avery groaned at the sound of her phone ringing. "Hello?" She said tiredly "Hey, honey. Sorry to wake you up. There was a fire at the Inn." Avery's eyes widened at her mothers words and she shot up in the bed, successfully waking Tristan in the process. "Is everyone okay?"

    "Yeah, but now because of the damage we need to find places for the guests to stay around town. I could use all the help I can get, can you come home?" Lorelai asks her daughter "Yeah. Yeah, I'm on my way. I'll be there soon" Avery says. The call ends and the girl gets out of bed. "Is everything okay?" Tristan asks

    "Uh, there was a fire at my mom's inn. I need to go home. Where the hell is my bra?" Tristan points toward the lamp, where her bra had landed. Avery grabs it, putting it on "Did anyone get hurt?" Avery shakes her head as she puts her dress from last night on "No, but my mom needs help replacing the guests,"


    When Avery got back to Stars Hollow she went straight to the inn, in search of her mom. Lorelai caught sight of her youngest daughter and walked over to her "Wow, hun. You look awful, party hard last night?" Avery's eyes widen slightly at the question "No,"

    "I was just kidding. I know how much of a drag high society parties can be." Lorelai says smiling at her daughter "Right. Uh, there's kinda something I need to talk to you about." Avery says before someone calls Lorelai's name "Listen, I need you to go to Miss Patty's and help your sister entertain the kids." Avery nods "Okay, but I-" Avery sighs as her mom walks away.


    Later that day, Avery was sitting outside entertaining some kids using sock puppets as Lorelai walks over ""Where are you going? I told you to take out the garbage!" "Nag, nag, nag. I wanna watch football and sit in my reclining chair." "Get back here or I'm gonna get you. . ." Avery pauses when she sees her mom "Hey, guys. I'll be right back" Avery tells the kids.

    "No keep going," A little boy begs. "It'll just be one second, Scooter. Promise," She tells him smiling before walking over to Lorelai "Hey, Sheri Lewis, how's the show going?" Lorelai asks "Oh they're riveted," Avery says "Good"

    "Yeah, but I stink. I keep repeating the same stuff over and over again." Avery tells her mother "Well it must be working" Lorelai says as a little boy asks for Avery to come back again "You would think that a lame-o sock puppet show would bore them to tears."

    "It's your narrative skills. I mean, is he gonna take the garbage out, is he not gonna take the garbage out? I'm on the edge of my seat." Lorelai says dramatically "Yeah, but they wont let me stop and I have a paper I need to write. It's worth twenty percent of my grade," Avery says

    Lorelai nods and turns to the kids "Hey, guys, go on over to the diner and have breakfast with your families, and then ask the nice man in the baseball hat and the flannel shirt to do sock puppets for you. And if he says no, just ask him louder,  it's part of the game!" The kids cheer and run into the diner."

    Avery shakes her head at her mom "You're cruel. Look, there's something I need to talk to you about," The girl says "I would love to talk sweetheart but I need to get over to Miss Patty's to help with check-ins" Lorelai says before walking away. Avery sighs before starting her walk home.


    The next day at school, Avery had gotten called into to the headmasters office. "Headmaster Charleston? You wanted to see me," Avery says entering the mans office "Ah, Miss Gilmore, yes. Please have a seat," Avery nods and sits down in one of the chairs at the mans desk "I'm sorry, sir, am I in trouble?" Avery asks, she couldn't think of reason as to why the headmaster would want to speak with her.

    "No, it's nothing like that." He assures her. Avery nods again, still confused as Charleston pulls out a folder "As I am sure you're obviously aware, your classes graduation is coming up," He says "Yes, sir"

    "I was wondering if you would like to give a speech at the ceremony?" He asks, causing Avery's eyes to widen "You want me to give a speech?" The headmaster nods "Yes. You see, I was given a copy of your essay from your Yale application. And I must say, I was quite impressed. I would like you to read it at graduation,"

    "I would love to. But, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get the essay?" Avery questions "Mr. Dugray gave it to me. You have very supportive friends, Miss Gilmore."


    "Thank you," Avery says. Tristan closes his locker and looks down at the girl "For what?" he asks confused "For giving Headmaster Charleston my essay. He's asked me to read it at graduation," Avery tells him with a smile. "Really? Hayden, that's great," He says, pulling her into a hug.

    The seemed to last a moment longer than it should have and they pulled away awkwardly. They still hadn't talked about what happened that weekend. Tristan clears his throat "I think we should talk-"

    "Avery, let's go," Rory called for her sister, interrupting the Blonde. "I got to go, but I'll call you later, yeah?" Avery says before walking to her sister "Yeah," Tristan mutters as the girl walks away "Later"


    Avery once again couldn't sleep. She had been trying to talk to her mom for days, but because of everything that happened with the Inn, Lorelai continuously brushed the girl off. The members of the Poe society had finally left Stars Hollow, which meant the Gilmore girls all had their rooms back and there was longer any strangers staying in their home.

    The youngest Gilmore couldn't take it anymore and walked into her moms room. Lorelai was fast asleep in what Avery thought looked like a very uncomfortable position. "Mom, wake up" Avery whispered while trying to shake her mom awake. Lorelai just groaned in response, swatting her daughters hand away "Mom" Avery whispered again

    "What?" Lorelai mumbled into her pillow "I need to tell you something" Avery said "Just tell me tomorrow" Her mother tells her "Mom, please I've been trying to tell you for days. It's important" Avery pleads "Nothing is important at three in the morning"

    "Mom I-" Lorelai had grown annoyed with the girl and snapped "Avery, just tell me tom-" Avery cut her mom off "I broke rule number two" she said "What are you talking about?" The girls mom asked annoyed "Mom, I broke rule number two and rule number- I technically broke all of your rules." Lorelai just rolled eyes and tried going back to sleep, causing Avery to huff

"I had sex with Tristan"

Those words caused Lorelai to shoot up in her bed "I'm up"


    Lorelai sighed as she looked at her daughter "Why, Avery?" The girl just looked at her mom "I don't know it just happened," She said "were you at least safe?" Lorelai asked, earning a nod from Avery. "Okay, that's something, I guess"

    "Are you mad?" Avery asks. Lorelai sighs and grabs the girl's hand "I mean, I'm not exactly thrilled at the idea of my daughter having sex, no. But, I'm glad you came to me. I knew it would happen eventually. I'm glad it happened with someone who cares about you as much as Tristan does," Lorelai told her.

    "So, are you guys like a thing now?" Avery sighed "We haven't talked about it, yet. Every time we try, we get interrupted," Lorelai nods. "You're gonna have to talk about it at some point," She tells her daughter. Avery nods "I know, I just don't want to lose my best friend,"

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