3.6 - Bridesmaids revisited

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"I need to talk it over with my team, but we'll let you know"

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"I need to talk it over with my team, but we'll let you know"

Those were the words running through Avery's mind as her mom babbled on about what had been going on in her life.

"Okay, what's wrong with you? You're staring at your phone like you're waiting for it to explode" Lorelai asked, finally catching the attention of her daughter.

The two sat in a small coffee shop in New Haven. Lorelai felt bad about how distant she had been with Avery because of Rory. She wanted to make it up to her, but Avery seemed like she was elsewhere.

Avery shook her head "It's nothing important"

Liar. This was Avery's one shot. She hadn't even gotten so much as an interview with other publishers. If they didn't want her...

"I thought I raised you to be a better liar than that" Lorelai quipped

"Quite the opposite actually"


Avery didn't necessarily have anything against weddings, but at the same time she didn't have much interest in participating in them.

However, when Honor approached her and asked her to be a bridesmaid, she get like she couldn't say no.  Aside from Rosemary, Honor was the closest thing Avery had to a sister at the moment and she cherished that.

"Hey, you almost ready?" Colin walked up behind Avery, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.

Avery smiled "Yeah, I just need to grab my shoes and then we can leave"

"Are you okay? You seem a little far away lately" He asked giving her gentle look.

It tore Avery apart to keep Colin in the dark, but every time something big was happening in her life and she told people, she jinxed herself. The opportunity of getting published was too important to her to risk ruining it.

"Angel? Earth to Avery" Colin said waving his hand in front of the girls face, capturing her attention.

"Sorry, I got lost in thought," She muttered

The girl let out a sigh, turning away from the mirror and toward her boyfriend "Don't hate me, but there's something I've been keeping from you."

Colin furrowed his brows as a concerned expression grew on his face. "You've been keeping something from me?"

"It's nothing bad, I promise. It's actually really good and very important to me. The more people I tell about it, the more disappointed in myself I'll be and the more people I'll disappoint when it doesn't happen. I'll tell you soon, just not yet." The girl explained. "Please don't be mad"

Colin gave her a soft smile and cupped her cheek in his hand "I can respect that. But, just so you know, I'll never be disappointed in you. No matter what"

Avery smiled at him and connected her lips with his. Colin never failed to amaze Avery with how supportive he was. She only hoped things would stay this perfect forever.

It's a shame hope doesn't set things in stone.

Avery knocked on the door, only for it to be opened a second later by one of Honors friends. The bridesmaid stood there with a stressed out expression and relaxed when she laid eyes on the young test Gilmore.

"You're here! Maybe you can calm her down" The girl yanked Avery into the room and quickly shut the door.

Avery looked around in confusion before her eyes landed on a seemingly very freaked out Honor. The Gilmore girls eyes softened and she sat next to the blonde.

"How are you doing babe?" Avery asked with a gentle smile.

Honor looked at her with wide eyes "Avery, I'm freaking out. What if this is a mistake?"

Avery couldn't help but laugh at how dramatic the bride was being "Honor, you love Josh. I honestly don't think I've ever seen a love more genuine than yours. This is not a mistake."

Honor let out a few deep breaths before relaxing her shoulders and smiling at Avery. "Thank you for being here"


The wedding went fabulously, at least for Honor and Josh it did, which was all that mattered. Avery chose to stay unbothered by the presence of Rory, because she knew it would only dampen her mood. She also chose to ignore Rory and Logan's drama.

The girl now sat on floor of her kitchen with her computer in her lap, staring absentmindedly at the screen.

"Hello, is this Miss Gilmore?" The voice asked over the phone

"Yes this is she." Avery responded

"My name is Olivia Dubois, I work for Campbell Publishing and I'm calling on behalf of Mr.Campbell." Avery's heart started pounding as she listened to the woman on the phone.

"After reviewing your work, we've decided that we would love to work with you. We would like schedule a follow up meeting two weeks from Friday at 3:30. Does that work for you?"

Avery rapidly nodded her head, despite the fact that the woman couldn't see her "Yes. Yes, that's perfect. Thank you."

"Wonderful. Be sure to bring a finished draft of your manuscript. We look forward to meeting with you"

The line cut and Avery calmly put the phone down before letting out an almost inhumane squeal. The girls moment of bliss only lasted for minute before she finally processed the woman's words.

"A finished draft?" Avery muttered to herself.

Which brings us back to where Avery was now, surrounded by stressed baked muffins on the floor of her kitchen.


Colin was initially quite nervous about Tristan coming back into their lives. He was worried that Avery would want to be with Tristan again instead of himself. Eventually the nerves faded.

He realized that Avery had no interest in Tristan and vice versa. They just seemed happy to be friends again.

Colin didn't blame them for wanting to be friends again. If he lost Logan or Finn he'd be devastated.

Now Colin, Finn, Tristan, and Robert- Logan was to busy trying to make up with Rory- were laughing at a stupid joke Robert had made as they stumbled through the halls of Avery and Rosemarys apartment building.

Colin opened the door and all the boys laughter came to halt when they looked around seeing the dining table and almost every surface covered in muffins. Their eyes then shifted to the kitchen floor where Avery sat on the floor furiously typing on her laptop.

"Oh boy" Tristan sighed

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