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Avery Gilmore

The hopeless romantic

"I will not apologize for not wanting to limit myself to the person everyone thinks I should be."

Rory Gilmore

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Rory Gilmore

The genius twin sister

"I've known you nine months longer than everybody else in the world and this isn't you. Stop trying to change yourself."

Lorelai Gilmore

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Lorelai Gilmore

The loving mother

"Don't listen to what other people tell you to do. You just go out there and be the best Avery Gilmore there ever was."

Tristan Dugray

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Tristan Dugray

The best friend

"You wound me, Hayden. I really thought you loved me more than this"

 I really thought you loved me more than this"

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Tristan and Avery

Tristan and Avery

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Rory and Avery

*I don't own Gilmore Girls

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*I don't own Gilmore Girls. I only own Avery and her storyline.

without further ado I give you...


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