3.7 - the real Paul Anka

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"What is happening?" Robert murmured as he glanced around the kitchen

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"What is happening?" Robert murmured as he glanced around the kitchen.

Out of the group, the only people who had seen what happens when Avery gets stressed were Tristan, Colin, and Rosemary.

"Uh, she does this when she's stressed out" Colin explains as he walks over to where the girl was in the kitchen and sits next to her "Angel, are you okay?"

"Look at her- I'm gonna shut up and eat a muffin." Robert says as he picks a muffin up off the table and sits down. "Wow this is good"

"Robert, shut up- woah you're right. Hey, Angel can you go insane more often?" Finn asks taking a bit of a muffin.

Avery had yet to acknowledge any the boys and continued to furiously type. Colin sighed and shuffled closer to his girlfriend

"I'm gonna close this" he said as he slowly began closer her laptop. Avery continued to type until she physically couldn't anymore when her laptop shut.

"What the hell- when did you guys get here?" Avery asked glancing around confused

"A couple of minutes ago. What's got you baking muffins at three in the morning?" Tristan asked her.

"Uh-" Avery starts, looking at them with wide eyes.

Finn squints his eyes at the girl "you're hiding something"

"No I'm not" Avery responds quickly...A little too quickly.

"Then tell us why you're stressed. Maybe we can help" Robert says with a mouthful of muffin.

Avery sighs as she picks her laptop up off the ground and stands "I'm trying to finish the first draft of my book"

"Book?" Tristan questioned

Avery sighed "I had a meeting with a publisher a few weeks ago and pitched an idea. Turns out he liked it"

"Is this the thing you didn't want to tell me?" Colin asked her softly

The Gilmore girl nodded "I didn't want  to until things were set. The more people that knew, the harder it would be to handle rejection"

"Why did you automatically think you're going to get rejected?" Finn asked

"Yeah, I mean he liked your idea." Robert said

Avery walked over to the table, pushing muffins out of the way to set her laptop down before taking a seat.

"You're an incredible writer, Hayden. Why are you so worried?"

The girl smiled softly at the nickname, it had been so long since she heard it. It felt nice. But the smile quickly dropped when she spoke again.

"Incredible is a stretch. I'm mediocre at best. There are people out there that are better than me, whether they have better ideas or not doesn't matter if they can execute theirs better than I can mine" She told her friends

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