4 - Presenting Lorelai and Avery Gilmore

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Everything about Avery had become dull

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Everything about Avery had become dull. Her smile was forced and lacked the usual brightness, that was if she even had one. Nowadays, a smile from Avery was a rare thing. And her eyes had lost their once hopeful sparkle. Everyone could see it.

Lorelai missed having Avery read to her. Rory missed having her sister laugh with her. Luke missed seeing the smile that was once as bright as the sun everyday at work. Tristan missed the late night phone calls where his best friend would babble on about everything and nothing at the same time.

It was like Avery Gilmore had become a ghost and nobody knew why. Nobody knew how to fix it. Nobody knew what to do, because the person they would normally ask for help in a situation like this, was the person who needed help.

The only time Avery would ever really show much emotion was when she was arguing with Jess Mariano. Jess was Luke's nephew who had been sent to Stars Hollow to live with him. Although both of them would be quick to deny it, Jess and Avery had become good friends. They argued at every chance they got and had given each other nicknames. Avery called Jess 'Greaser', because let's face it, the boy looked like he had just stepped out of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.

Jess called Avery 'Bennett' because the first time he met the girl her nose was buried in a very old and very worn down copy of Pride and Prejudice and the more he got to know the girl, he could help but draw up some similarities between the youngest Gilmore and Elizabeth Bennett.


Lorelai and Avery sat in the kitchen of their house, the former was staring at her daughter hopefully. Avery was re-reading 'The Secret History' by Donna Tart and every time she did so, she would go into deep rants about the book to her mother. And while Lorelai never understood what the girl was really talking about, she loved listening to her nonetheless.

Just then Rory walked into the kitchen "I'm coming out," the girl told them. "Congratulations" Avery quipped without glancing up from her book. "Out of what?" Lorelai asks the older twin "Out to society," Rory tells them "What are you talking about?" Lorelai shook her head in confusion. "I went to grandma's house after school,"

"Okay, right away, bad," Lorelai says "And, um, her DAR friends are all there and they're talking about this debutante ball that's being thrown." Rory continues ignoring her mother. "Oh no," Lorelai mutters. "And when I got back from Grandpa's office, they all invited me out onto the patio."

"No no no, please tell me you did not go out onto the patio." Lorelai says, standing up from her chair

"I went out on to the patio"

"Ugh, Rory, that's like accepting the position as the drummer in Spinal Tap." Lorelai tells her daughter "Before I knew it, Grandma was telling me how important it is for a person to be properly presented to society." Lorelai groans as Rory continues "And how every young girl dreams of this day." Lorelai groans again

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