Getting kidnapped sucks. But then you fall in love.

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I backed up further until I hit the wall opposite the door.

“Don’t be so afraid of me” He said. “It’s not like it’s going to kill you”

“If you don’t stay away from me” I said picking up a piece of glass on the floor. The glass was from a piece of a vase I noticed and its blue was crusted. “Then so help me god”

“Do you really think you can hurt me with that?” He asked. “If you haven’t noticed I’m a vampire, and you’re a sweet blood”

“I know how they kill the vampires in the movies” I said.

“And you’re stupid enough to believe that?”

That did it. I threw the shard but as soon as I’d thrown it he’d caught it. The piece lay between his middle finger and his index. He held it up as if it were a playing card.

“As said before, do you really think that you can hurt me?” He asked.

“No but I can waste your time” I said. I picked up a few other shards and started to chuck them at him. He caught a few but others had gotten on him and I saw blood leak from his hands down to his wrists. He pulled out three shards that had struck him and slammed them down. They smashed into even more smaller pieces even though they were already so microscopic it was a miracle I even held them in my own hands without drawing blood.

“You’re going to end up doing this to yourself” He said. “And then you’ll be really sorry” He turned and walked away locking the door once more. At least that had made him leave. This was what I’d wanted. Now I just had to figure out a way to get out of this place and do it alive.

He returned with clean bandaged hands and closed the door.

“It doesn’t hurt” He said. “Just in case that was what you were aiming for”

“Shame” I said.

“My names Stellar” He said. “If I can at least get your name, you know that would make my day”

“Do you honestly think I’d tell you if it were going to make your day?” I asked.

 “No, but there are ways for me to get that information” He said. “Like for instance, I know that you attend Preston high and I also know that your school website has all of the yearbook photos.

Damn it!

He went over to a computer lying in the corner and typed the address in the Google search bar. After a moment he turned to me with a smile.

“Jasmine” He said.

“Good for you” I said.

“I hate to tell you this” Stellar said. “But I’d really appreciate it if you could maybe corporate for a sec”

“That depends on what you want me to do”

“Be still, very still”

“Hell no!”

“Jasmine” Stellar said. “There are two ways we can do this”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it” I said. “The hard way or the easy way”

“So if you know that, then why are you making this so hard on yourself?”

“I’m not; I’m just trying to prevent death and loss of a loved one in my family”

“It’s not going to kill you, I already told you that”

“I don’t care” I said shaking my head. “I’m still not going to let you bite my neck”

“It doesn’t matter where I bite you” He said.

 “As if I’ll let you-“Before I could finish my sentence, Stellar had me in his arms. I kicked at him and tried to pull away but he was so much stronger and carried me out of the room. I was about to try to free myself from him and run out but then I realized all of the doors and windows were bolted and shut locked. The windows had wood plastered across them.

He carried me into a room that smelt like a hospital which only made his own scent stand out. His scent was like a forest. It was as if being near him was a shortcut to actually going to the woods. It was like dark forest axe or something. At least that was what it made me think of. Stellar set me down on a hospital looking bed. He raced over and shut the door and locked it. He turned back to me.

“So what’s it going to be?” He asked. “You’ll let me bite you? Or am I going to have to-“

“You’re going to have to do a lot of things” I snapped.

“Well then okay” He said and slammed me down and tied me. He actually tied me. My wrists were pinned against the frame of the bed and my legs were free.

He sat down at the side of the bed and leaned over me.

I didn’t think I was weak enough to actually start crying, but I did. The fear was so strong against me that I couldn’t hold back the tears.  

“You’re not making this easy for me” He said.

But he did it anyway. At first his lips just pressed against my neck. It was soft and graceful almost and I was surprised that it had felt so surprising. When I felt his lips part on my skin I felt my pulse start to jump rope. The tip of his teeth just touched my skin and then sank into me. Pain flooded me. Flooded into my whole body, pushing itself to spread throughout me until it filled within all of me.

It hurt bad. I wanted to scream but I didn’t. I kept it all inside me with the pain only hurting ten times worse than it would have if I screamed.

I closed my eyes and cried more. He was taking a long amount of time and I was afraid if he took too much blood, I’d die. But he said I wouldn’t die, was he only lying? Did he only need me once to survive a lifetime?

Stellar released me finally and sat up. My blood was all over his mouth and he looked like a monster. What he really was.

I looked up at him with bewildered eyes.

“Was it as bad as you thought?” He asked.

“Worse” I said. “Ten times worse”


“Really. I mean, I’m probably going to die or go unconscious or something in a few seconds right?”


“Really? How do I know you’re telling me the truth? You were drinking for pretty long”

“I haven’t had blood in the last five years” Stellar said. “So be lucky I didn’t do it while you were unconscious in my car, but believe me I wanted to”

“I was in your car?”

He nodded.

“Ugh. It doesn’t even make me feel any better that at least one of us enjoyed this dinner”

“Well now it’s time for your dinner” Stellar said.

“You have to be joking”

“If you starve you die too” He said.

I got up after he untied me and led me out of the room. He actually let me walk this time. We walked over to his kitchen and he pulled out a bowl of spaghetti and heated it up.

I didn’t complain. It wasn’t like he poisoned the food. He needed me, after all. And he needed me alive.

Getting kidnapped sucks. But then you fall in love.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant