1.13 Children of the Damned

Start from the beginning

"I know you two seek the grimoire before he finds it," I told them, gaining both their full attention.

"Luna-" Stefan tried to explain, but I cut him off.

"No. There is more to the story than you both know. It is because of this I can not fully blame you for your decisions." My words confused them both.

"What do you mean?" Elena asked me confused.

"Don't tell Damon I told you this, but the reason he wants Kathrine out of the tomb is so he could kill her for revenge," I explained to them. My words confused them even more. They thought this entire time, that Damon was in love with her. Never would they have ever guessed he wanted her out just so he could get revenge and kill get. They wanted to know more, that much was easy to tell. But most of all, Stefan wanted to know why.

"What do you mean revenge? What did she do?" Stefan quickly questioned me. He wanted to know what she had done to anger him for 150 years.

"Unfortunately that is not my story to tell. You must ask him yourself. And only when he is ready, will he tell you the truth."I told her. "And you don't have to worry about Damon hearing us, I placed a silencing spell in the room the moment he left." As I spoke my final words I left the room, leaving them to think about what I had told them.


"My father never approved of anyone I dated. Which only made me want them more, of course. What about you?" Damon asked Jenna. We were currently at the Gilbert house. Damon was cooking dinner while me and Jenna were drinking wine. I had met Jenna before and we became good friends very quickly.

"There were a few guys. Logan isn't the only loser I've dated." Jenna told him.

"They ever find him? Is he still missing?" Damon questioned her, wondering what she was told when we knew he was dead.

"He's not missing. He's in the Bahamas working on his tan. Very entitled, that one. Marches to his own drum. He's a Fell. They're all snooty." Jenna told us. Damon poured us both some more wine since we had finished what we had.

"Hello, Elena," Damon spoke, his back was turned against us. Jenna and I turned around to see her.

"Hey. Where have you been?" Jenna asked her. "We're cooking dinner."

"Stefan with you?" Damon asked her.

"He'll be here soon."

It was a little while later. Damon just finished cooking the food and Elena was and I was setting the table. They were walking past each other when Damon bumped into her.

"Don't do that." She told him.

"Do what?"

"You know what. That was deliberate."

"Well yeah. I was deliberately trying to get to the sink." Damon told her. "Speaking of Stefan, where is he? He's missing family night, which I am enjoying immensely." After a few moments, Damon finally asked what he wanted to do. "Is it real?"

"Is what real?"

"This renewed sense of brotherhood. Can I trust him?" Damon asked her seriously.

"Yes, you can trust him."

"Enough with the questions. This is supposed to be a fun little time for us all to enjoy. Stop trying to play detective and let us get everything ready for when everyone is here." I told them both, breaking them out of their conversation.

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