I said shut up. -Alejandro-

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A message from my homie; 'Whoever reads this is gay and needs therapy'

Angst → Smut.

Requested by; portalsfairy
Tried to make this actually realistic.

Warnings; Choking, Exhibitionism, wall fuck.

You were out training, a little while later, you were getting called into the General's office, the general rold you your work was needed with another team, they were going to be going on some tougher missions and needed an extra set of hands, some type of extra man power, whatever they could get would be great.

So, low and behold, you were working under Colonel Alejandro Vargas. You didn't exactly mind working for him, so far it hasn't been too bad. They haven't been too horrible to you, which was great. But regardless you hadn't exactly been too merciful on the battlefield in your prior times during warfare.

But, enough about the past. The past is unchangeable, the present is now, the future doesn't exist. It's all a myth you're told as kids. But at this rate, it's been a few months since you got told you were needed for Alejandro's team, missions were.. tougher to say the least.

As of late, the team you had been assigned to help months ago now, Los Vaqueros, had gone on a mission, you weren't exactly a part of their team, but, well, you had to help 'em out.

And well, the mission didn't exactly go quite as planned. Alot of the team was injured, you luckily weren't included, being on the front lines and just barging onto enemy territory turned out to not exactly be a great idea.

You were all exhausted, a few of the best members lost their lives, and you almost joined them in Heaven that day. But now, here you are.

Arguing with the Colonel, Alejandro Vargas.

Fighting with him is identical to punching a brick wall, it gets you nowhere and in the end you end up hurt. Regardless of this, you still bickered back and forth like children over the television remote.

"I mean, the hell is the point being upset if I would've died on Thursday, in the end we all die anyways. Plus why be sad, amongst everyone here, why be sad about MY death?" You questioned him, brows furrowed, knitting together before one cocked upward, hands following suit in annoyance. "I'm not even apart of your team, Alejandro-"

"Shut up.." He muttered eyes narrowing.

You picked up talking again, ignoring him, "I mean, everyone is just going to see me as another fallen soldier. In like 4 years i won't be remembered by anyone. I'll be a no-body." You huffed, "And besides my death wouldn't affect ypu anyways would it? I'm still a just a Lieutenant lower class in training and the newest member here. So my death shouldn't affect anyone, especially not you."

Alejandro's voice got more prominent, harsher, "I said shut up.." he huffed.

"And besides Alejandro-" you couldn't even finish your sentence.

You were quickly being slammed against the wall, Alejandro's hand pressing against your throat to silence you. "I told you to shut up, did I not, cabrón?" All you could do was nod in response. Your eyes widened in a mix of fear and confusion.

You didn't know what to do, you couldn't muster the courage to speak. It was his word against your own. Then again, it was also his muscle against yours. He was significantly stronger than you. But, honestly you still tried to get out of his grasp, squirming and prying at his wrist, at this point he was actually making it hard to breathe.

You flailed again, squirming until Alejandro actually loosened his grasp.

His eyes pierced into your soul. You stared at him, concerned, you felt cornered, trapped like an animal in a cage. And his actions weren't helping.

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