You're my pretty boy. -König-

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Angst → Smut → (slight) Fluff.

Requested by; unholy_femboy.

Time translations; 18:30-6:30, 21:45-9:45.

Reader is FTM, not fully transitioned. Safe sex is implied not wrote.

It's 18:30. You had been in bed almost all day. Today was absolute fucking shit. You couldn't even manage to relax or get out of your head.

Why? Oh because of this little thing called fucking gender dysphoria.

You always had a bit of gender dysphoria because of your body. Never thinking of yourself as a man even though you knew you were. But even after top surgery, you still occasionally wore the binder because you felt the surgery didn't do shit. Even though, it really did. But still, nevertheless it made it hard for you to think and keep your mind straight when the only thing going through it is thoughts that everyone on base knows you're not exactly the most masculine on the team.

I mean sure, you have a bit of facial hair, your chest is flat, and well, you pass off as a guy really well, but in your own mind? Nothing of that is true.
In your mind, your still that same little girl your parents had planned you out and made you out to be even though, you knew damn well that you were and had been for a while a guy.

But regardless of your own thoughts, you had better things to do, you had to get to training, but at the same time you didn't feel motivated to train.
You just felt like sulking in your room. But at the same time, maybe training would help with the underlying annoyance being alone with only your thoughts was causing. So, although you were mentally and physically fucking drained, you were in the gym, a beat to hell punching bag infront of you, you took the liberty to wrap your knuckles so they wouldn't bleed, despite not really wanting to because you found it pointless.

You were in the gym for a few hours, you had music playing, you were pretty much just completely out of it, the punching bag was a great form of stress relief, beat the bag to hell and you become less stressed, also beating the bag to hell helps you with hand to hand combat, so regardless it's a win-win. But either way, you had other things to do.

Or not.

You looked at the time, 21:45. It had become dark over two hours ago. So yeah, that whole thing about having other things to do wasn't happening now. You needed a shower, you were sweaty as fuck, and pretty sure that you may have over done it with the punching bag. You left the gym, making a b-line for the barracks, your quarter in specific. The moment you entered your quarter you were met with the absolute fucking unit that was your Colonel seated on your bed.

It wasn't too big of a surprise, he usually came to your quarter if he was stressed because well, he found being with you comforting. I mean, you hadn't had sex, well, not at least together. But he just liked being with you, talking to you. Sure he's a fucking monster on the field, but it's still somewhat nice to have time to windown with someone you care somewhat about.

You stared at him, face straight laced as you did, "Is there something you need, König? Because I need a shower and I'd rather not have my Colonel here while I'm getting a shower." You spoke, only a chuckle coming from König. "Uh, Ja.. I do need something. I need to speak with you. It's urgent." This was a tad confusing. Especially since you had done everything you needed. Was there a meeting you missed because you were too busy boxing the fucking bag to realize someone was trying to tell you? You sighed, sitting down beside him, you knew you needed a shower, you reeked of sweat, and of course König needed to speak with you, and now of all times.

How lovely.

König sighed turning to face you fully, his eyes meeting with your own. Now you were really confused. He never acts like this. Not unless something bad happened. Fuck not even when something bad happens!  König took a deep breath, "Ich liebe dich und ich weiß, dass es verboten ist. Wenn du also nicht das Gleiche empfindest, fühl dich nicht bedroht, es dem General zu sagen." (I love you, and i know it's forbidden, so if you don't feel the same don't feel threatened to tell the General.) Oh. So it wasn't something bad. Great.

C.O.D. X Male!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now