Just shut it 'n lay down. -Gaz-

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Long title ik, fluff.

Warnings; technically Drug mention.

If you don't know anything about edibles or weed. Search that shit up i ain't finna explain every thing, cant have the backstory 3 hours long.

Idk prolly gonna suck 🤷🏻


You were a bit bored. There was no mission going on anytime soon, so deciding to order some edibles and some rather questionable herbs.

You were sitting in your room, you had eaten at least half of one of 'em. The feeling not hitting quite yet.

You were just sitting on your bed. The feeling of straight relaxation hitting like a truck.

Deciding to add to the feeling of it you grabbed your pipe, loading the cannabis into the end. Grabbing your lighter, taking a long draw from the pipe.

You blew out the smoke. The room began to smell strongly of a certain herb.

You honestly didn't even mind, your room was hotboxed as hell and it would take forever to get that fucking scent out but who cares, open a window, and throw some Lysol in there and call it a day.

You were just relaxing out, you were more or less just scrolling through whatever on your phone.

You were laughing at random shit, everything seemed funny as hell.

You began to get lost in thought. Thinking about someone on the force.

Gaz. He was one of the people you'd been hanging out with.

You only really talked to Soap, Alejandro, and well, Gaz.

He was the most serious of the idiot group you've come to like.

Gaz was usually pretty straightforward with certain things but not always.

-Current Events-

You heard a faint knock at your door, waiting a few minutes you opened a window and got up.

You looked faded as hell and you'd laugh at damn near everything.

Opening the door you saw Gaz, he gave a smile, his eyes looking at you with intent.

You noticed that Gaz began to get a bit concerned.

He sighed. "Ah! Fuckin' god dude! This whole room smells like fuckin weed!"

You just laughed, everything seemed funny as hell.

You were higher than shit and honestly everything even if it wasn't funny it suddenly was.

But something you had begin to realize was you didn't just like Gaz as a friend. He was alot closer to you than anyone.

Sure you and soap got along. But that was nothing jn comparison to you and Gaz.

When it came time to train, you were together for sparring and a couple other things.

If you had already done your workout for the day you would sit beside him and spot him, making small talk and ultimately just chill with him.

You'd sit and talk for a while then just play games in the lounge room. Wait a bit thrn go run around so price wouldn't get on your asses about sitting all day.

It was nice.

You could honestly admit that Gaz was slowly becoming someone you had a crush on. You'd never say anything to him though.

This is the military you wouldn't have time for anything like that.

Looking at him you spoke up. "So what's up man?"

He snapped out of his thoughts.

"Ah, right. Price told me to come get you,we have to go to the mess hall in a little bit." You nodded at his words.

You had thoughts about telling him your feelings. He'd understand, right?

Discarding them you just nodded and walked away, sitting on your bed to roll a joint. You had already smoked the shit you had put in the pipe so might as well see if Gaz will sit and chat for a bit.

Maybe laugh at some dumb shit, pass the joint to each other. Maybe just act stupid as hell.

Gaz walked into your room. Shutting the door behind him, he pulled up the chair from your desk, looking around.

You two spoke a bit here and there but nothing really interesting.

"You wanna hit this shit Gaz?" Your eyes flicked up and met his.

He shrugged, "Eh, why not." You gave a smile and blew out the smoke from taking a hit from previously stated joint.

Kyle took the thing, taking a decent draw. Blowing out the smoke. He relaxed out. The feeling not actually horrible.

Within a few minutes you both were laughing at stupid shit. It was honestly nice.

Gaz opened up a bit more, you did too. He asked a couple questions and you anwsered them to the best of your abilities.

That wad until he asked if you liked anybody. It was slowly dumbing down into a highschool frat party level. And that's just a completely different level of Idiocracy.

You shrugged and said that you did, Gaz saying he did too he just didn't know what to say.

Now it might just be the over excessive amount of marijuana in your system but you felt like you needed to tell him. So, naturally you did.

"Hey man, this might just be the weed but I seriously need to tell you something." You were gonna admit everything. And you were gonna hate every second of it.

"Yeah, what's up L/n?" Gaz looked at you, he seemed egar to know.

"Y'know how you asked if i liked anybody? Well i like you man." You sighed, a huge weight was being taken off of your chest.

Gaz smiled. "I like you too, y/n."

He only usually called you by your last name, but he did like your first name alot, you just weren't so fond of it yourself.

You smiled, i guess in the tension of the moment you just fully relaxed. You didn't really have anything to worry about. Gaz must've gotten tired of sitting in the chair because you looked beside you and there was Gaz, he was laying beside you.

Gaz isn't exactly known to be the most clingy person but when he got high that was a different story.

You liked to cuddle quite a bit, it was nice. You were already relaxed out so just cuddling with someone would be nice. Gaz seemed to have that same idea.

You were currently sitting up, relaxing as you looked out the window, the room was gonna need to be sprayed like hell after this.

Gaz laid his head on your lap, he seemed to want to cuddle but didn't force it.

"What's up? You wanna cuddje or something mate?" You looked at him, his face tinted pink.

"Just shut it and lay down." He looked away and you laid down. Instantly Gaz laid on you. Head falling on your chest.

This felt right. You placed a hand in his back, rubbing gently making small circles.

Gaz seemed happy. And you knew you were.

"Love you mate." You smiled and looked at him. He just nodded in response wrapping his arms around you as he cuddled with you.

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