I'm so proud of you. -Price-

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Fluff. If you want more of this go read my John x reader book 😋

Requested by; saucepackettt01

Warnings; self neglect, overworking, and multiple other mentions of harmful things.

(Please remember if you have any of these things happening you aren't alone and its okay to relax. <3)

The team had recently gone on a mission. It wasn't insanely tough but mentally and physically taxing on them all.

It was more taxing on some people rather than others, you being one of the ones it was worse on.

The mission failed, leaving all of 141 devastated and trying to better themselves.

Most of everyone was taking some time to better themselves but also keeping up with their bodies limits.

But you, being the stubborn bastard you are, you weren't having that.

You push yourself past your limit then when someone commented on you being overwhelmed you resorted to training in your room.

You were doing pushups in your room, the quiet halls of the barracks echoing as someone walked through them.

You heard a knock at your door, a familiar hard knock distracting you from your workout. Pausing what you were doing to get up and see if your suspicion was correct, which it was you saw your Captain standing in the doorway.

"Hey kid, everything okay? Haven't seen you in about two days. Just got worried about you." His voice was calm but laced with concern. It was true. You had only really been in the gym or working out in your room. You had been overworking yourself to the point of exhaustion. It was becoming a bit bad because you had been skipping meals on top of it.

Your whole body felt weak as hell, you couldn't handle anything, but in your mind you felt the overwhelming need to become better physically for this next upcoming mission.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for checking up on me Captain." You gave a shitty weak smile, which unfortunately  price saw straight through.

"You lie like a rug, kid." He sighed. "Mind if i come in to chat with you for a moment?"

You shook your head, stepping aside for him to come in, shutting the door behind him.

You sat down and John sat beside you.

John sighed. "Look kid, I know you're stressed about getting better but you're okay to relax."

You let out a soft groan. "Captain it was my fault we failed the mission. You trusted me to get us somewhere safe and I failed."

Price shifted to face you, "All that happened was we had a few extra soldiers come out so we retreated to Nik. You didn't mean for it to happen, it was a simple mistake." He shrugged,

You made a disturbed face, like you didn't believe him. Turning the other way and staring blankly out the window. His voice being the only thing to catch your attention once again.

"Look at me y/n. I know you're stressed and you want to get better with your physical abilities but by skipping meals to work on things and overworking the hell out of body isnt going to make anything better." Price had a saddened expression. The fact he had to say this hurt him.

With a simple mutter you caught his gaze. "Tsk.. You're stubborn as hell.." John sighed and shifted to get up. "Get some rest kid, you deserve it."

You grabbed his wrist. Preventing him from going anywhere. He cocked a brow, "Thank you, Captain."

He nodded, patting you gently on the back.

"Now seriously, get some rest or I'm forcing you to take leave." He gave a soft chuckle.

You gave a laugh amd let his wrist go, he walked out and you did exactly as he told you. Relaxing the rest of the day. It was seriously great, you didn't feel like hell after.

C.O.D. X Male!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now