Fuck sobriety. -Keegan-

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Angst → Fluff.

It will take me a little while to get requests posted, in the meantime have some angsty fluff with keegan.


You were clean. Not having any alcohol in your system for two years as of today. But of course. All things good and bad do come to an end eventually.

You were sitting at the bar. The stools felt like they weren't there anymore.

Your whole lower body had pretty much gone numb. You were sitting on the stool for so fucking long that your ass felt like pins and needles when you moved.

You were on your 5th or so shot.

You had at least 5 or 6 beers. You weren't really feeling anything but you ordered shots every few beers. You'd drank alot like this before but nothing too horrible.

You were on the road to get blackout. It wasn't like you cared.

You just got fired, your girlfriend cheated on you then proceeded to break up with you, your life was at the lowest it had been in a while.

Deciding that this was gonna be a halfway decent way to just numb things this was all you were gonna do.

You'd probably go pick up some random hooker on the way home, not like you remember much, fuck you couldn't remember your own name anymore but who cares.

You heard the door open, turning your head a bit you saw a taller man with a black hair and it was decently well kept.

The man was quite familiar. But you were drunk so you couldn't think straight for shit.

'You're just drunk, y/n don't be stupid.' You rolled your eyes at your thoughts.

The man sat beside you and you got a better look at him. He truthfully was quite familiar looking for a random ass dive bar guy.

"Hey man what can I get for you?" The barkeep was talking to the odd man. As the man anwsered you began to think. The guy both looked and sounded familiar, but at the same time, the guy looked kinda.. Handsome.

Trying to keep your dumb drunken thoughts to yourself you took another swig from your beer. The hotter it got the more shitty it tasted.

You looked up at the man. Your vision going hazy from all the alcohol.

You always considered yourself a stupid guy. Not ever really thinking before doing things, infact that's why you showed up here. You gave up on sobriety. But having said that you don't think before you do things, you just kinda did it and if you survived doing it well congratu-fucking-lations buddy you survived.

You set your beer aside and the man looked at you.

Now that you got a good look at him, the man seemed familiar. He looked alot like your closest friend, Keegan.

"Y/n? The fuck? Why are you here man?" So it is Keegan. Great.

"Huh?" You questioned, his words taking a moment to process in your head. Your drunken state making it worse. "Oh, I uh, just wanted to have a few rounds y'know?" You gave a soft smile and grabbed your beer again, chugging down the remaining little bit.

"You've been sober for two years. What happened?" His voice was calm. But you didn't exactly want to explain yourself.

Although you probably would spew it out in a bunch of word vomit when you finally spoke.

You shook your head a little. "Ah, nothin." You gave him another smile. It wasn't exactly a great idea, but oh well.

Keegan saw straight through it. Staring you down as the bartender gave him his drink.

You fell silent, ordering another drink. A good ol' whiskey on the rocks. Keegan glared at you. Trying to read your expression.

Between the over excessive amount of alcohol and the time its been since you had actual thoughts it was impossible for him to read you.

"C'mon. Talk to me, you know i won't be that much of an asshole." Keegan somewhat joked, but he was being serious. You did need to speak up. If you stayed with your now recurring habit of drinking away the pain you won't live much longer. Your liver would fail before you finally got over her.

Giving a groan you glared up at him. "You remember that bitch you told me to leave? [Ex gf name here]? She fucking cheated on me." Your words were slurred and your voice was failing you. You were drunk off your ass and this whiskey wasn't gonna make anything better. You downed the whiskey and sighed before speaking up again. "Got fired today too. So just decided I'd get blackout then go fuck some slut later." You shrugged looking away from Keegan. Your gaze falling upon the window. Watching cars drive by in the softly pattering rainfall.

Keegan nodded, letting your words sink in his head. "Y'know, she didn't deserve you man, she was a slut for your money and well, your cock." He caught your attention again.

You nodded, he was right. Goddamnit he really was right.

Keegan stayed beside you, pondering what to say.

You sighed deciding to close out your tab. You had to get out of here before you blacked out on the damn bar counter. Keegan glanced over, closing out his own tab before downing the rest of his drink.

Keegan grabbed your arm, wrapping it around his neck to support your body. He pulled you up and off the bar stool. You legs were numb but you still made an attempt to walk out so Keegan wasn't just dragging you.

As you two got out of tge bar he grabbed the keys to your car from your pocket, unlocking the doors and getting you into the passenger side before he got into the driver side. Wasting no time to get you home.

Just as he pulled you out of the car you practically clung to him. You were practically out of your mind so he thought nothing of it, plus it's not like your hoe of an ex-girlfriend could say anything.

Plus guys whp are friends can do this shit, it's not like you're having sex with each other.

There was one thing wrong with this in Keegan's mind though. He had told you before that he thought of you as more than a friend before. But you thought that he was joking. But he wasn't. Infact the feeling never dissipated, it only grew.

Keegan sighed as he unlocked the front door, bringing you to your room so you could get some rest, which you'd definitely need.

As Keegan set you on your bed you relaxed out. He left the room to grab you some Tylenol and a glass of water for your soon to be realized hangover.

The moment he walked into the room and set everything down you grabbed him and drug him into the bed with you. Clinging to him like a child would their favorite stuffed animal.

Keegan sighed and hugged you. Muttering a few words you couldn't understand fully but guessed were curses.

The few set of words you had to say to him in your slurred drunken tone shocked him more than anything.

Those words were; "I love you Keegan, thank you."

C.O.D. X Male!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now