Such a handsome boy. -Ghost-

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Angst→Smut, requested by iluvbatzzz

Warnings; self hate, mature language, overstimulation, possible choking, Degradative Praise.


-Second person pov-

It was Thursday just like any other, boring and fucking burning hot.

Training went, halfway decent. Sargent MacTavish occasionally cracking jokes, Gaz and the Lieutenant telling him to take things seriously and keep his focus.

You ignored most of the bullshit going on in the background.

Just trying to get done with it as soon as you could. If you could skip it, you fucking would.

But that's not gonna happen. Not under Ghost's watch. Price couldn't give two flying fucks when any of you trained as long as it got done eventually.

So here you were. Standing in the gym, wishing to be in your room. A beat to hell punching bag infront of you.

Left hook, right hook, one, two, one, two, repeat. Sweat was pouring down your face. You shouldn't have chose to wear a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants in a room with no air conditioner and constant movements. Its just not smart. Especially since it's close to 90°F. (32°c)

But you wanted to hide your body. Thinking negative things about it. All of your thoughts led to pent up frustration, which if you didn't have to do this training you would have just took out on missions.

Once training was over the first place you went was straight to your room. Not stopping for water or really anything. Just wanting to clean yourself up and lay down for the day until later tonight to head to the gym again.

As you entered the bathroom in your quarter you didn't bother glancing into the mirror, just ridding yourself of your clothing and getting into the shower.

-Third person pov-

Y/n sighed as he glanced over himself in the mirror. Seeing nothing but pure hatred.

As he looked himself over he must not have heard the loud ass knocking that came from Ghost knocking on his door.

"Goddamn I fucking hate my body." The words that came from y/n often. His constant muttering of profound hatred with himself was nothing new but something that no-one took to much note on.

-Second person pov-

As you continued to shame yourself you finally caught a glimpse of a familiar skull masked man. The mirror showing the absolute glare he was giving you.

As you turned to face him the hood of your jacket shifted, slightly, blocking the bottom of the right side of your face.

"Hey Lieutenant. I.. Uh, didn't hear you come in.." You gave a forced chuckle.

Simon wasn't accepting the bullshit. He saw straight through it.

"Mind explaining what the hell that was?" His voice was deep, and gruff, like always, tone being cold like a crisp December morning.

You turned to fully face him, "I don't understand what you're taking about sir." A simple lie. Nothing big, but it was noticable as more fucking bullshit, that's what he knew.

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