You're perfect just the way you are. -Horangi-

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Reader has a balaclava like the ones used in Cod ghosts by Keegan and the others.

Requested by; FortniteMidasRules01.

Warnings; Body hate, self neglect, body dysphoria.

Translation; 사랑-love, 안녕 사랑-hey love

You had always been a tad self conscious of your body. But after joining KorTac and helping them and Taskforce 141 for an operation, you began to have doubts.

Originally you only covered your face on missions or when you were heading out somewhere, but now? All the fucking time. Fuck you even wore the thing when you were in your room alone, afraid that someone would come in snd see as you described it, your ugly ass face.

You sat on the couch in the lounge of KorTac's base, everyone was off doing something. Be it training, sparring or trying to pry information from the Colonel's grasp.

But you couldn't care less today. You just wanted to relax and get your mind off of things, it wasn't often that you'd get time off like this so you had to make it last.

As you sat you began thinking, nothing was really important to you now, well, aside from staying alive and keeping your fucking face covered and our of anyone's sights. Which wouldn't be hard. So you hoped.

You let out a soft sigh, stretching a bit so you could keep yourself comfortable.
One of your teammates walked in, this particular teammate also just so happened to be your long-term partner, Kim “Horangi” Hong-jin.

In your opinion he has no real reason to need to hide his face. He's not horrible looking, infact it's the exact opposite.

He's handsome as fuck, has beautiful eyes, a great jawline, and everything about him in general was perfect.

Now you on the other hand, it didn't matter how many meals you skipped, didn't matter how much you hid your face, what clothing you wore you still, in your opinion, looked like shit.

You never really felt the overwhelming need to hide your body like this but today as well as these past few weeks, you've felt embarrassed.

Like you didn't exactly belong in the military. Comparing yourself to just about everyone and falling short somehow.

König; He's great with his weapons, good at combat, an even better Colonel, and overall quite wise.
Horangi; Great looking, good in the field.
The list just fucking goes on. It never ends until you come along.

You are practically bottom of the barrel.

A lieutenant with as you describe it, some of the absolute fucking worst qualities this team has. How the hell you even made it to a Lieutenant you aren't sure. But it's definitely not because of how preform.

Horangi snapped you our of your thoughts with a hand on your knee. Waving his free hand infront of your face to grab your attention sooner.

"Hm?" You hummed, looking at him, gase falling on his goggles, ypu could see your reflection in them. Oh how it made your blood boil knowing that you look like this in comparison to him yet he still feels the need to completely hide his face.

"You okay, 사랑?" He questioned. You simply nodded, not wanting to tell him really anything because well, the whole team could probably hear you first of all, and second of all he wouldn't understand your thoughts anyways.

"You sure you're okay? You have been hiding your face and everything alot more that usual." Kim wasn't trying to pry information from you but he needed to know what you were thinking to be able to help you out.

Without sparing a second glance at him you nodded once more, Kim sighed, he had inevitably gave up for the time being. You're stubborn as hell. That's one of the things he likes about you. But sometimes a blessing can show itself as a curse.

A few hours went by, you were laying down on your bed, your balaclava still on in fear that somebody would walk in and see your ugly face.

And speak of the fucking devil, someone did walk in. Horangi, well, here goes your dignity.

Kim found himself a seat at the foot of your bed, looking down at you with a smile plastered on his now uncovered face. "안녕 사랑~" He hummed softly, he was happy to see that you didn't look as pissed off as you did earlier, a smile tugging his lips upwards.

You smiled weakly and spoke up, "Hello kim."

He placed a simple chaste kiss on the back of your palm after bringing it to his lips. "So i was wondering if you'd finally open up to me about why you've been acting different." Horangi deadpaned. After acting so fucking decent he had to play that card.

You sighed softly before speaking up, "I'm just not happy with myself, Kim. There's nothing else to it."

Horangi sighed, his once prominent smile faultering, "사랑, you know that you're perfect just as you are, do you not?"

You couldn't help but smile at his words. Giving in you sat up and pulled him to a hug, taking your balaclava off and tossing it aside.

Horangi smiled and kissed your cheek.

That night the two of you went on to cuddle, holding each other closely for warmth as well as comfort.

You loved him so fucking much and that wasn't going to change ever.

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