Oh mein lieber Junge.. -König-

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Had this idea in mind for a bit, its rushed so we'll see who likes it.

(I regret trying school today bro fml)

As a member of KorTac things are bound to go wrong. No doubt about it, you'll either die, get injured, KIA, MIA. It doesn't matter. Something is always bound to happen, it's just some things are more preventable and predictable than others. Just kinda how life goes.

Something's don't always go according to plan.

But you seriously hoped they would. You couldn't afford to loose your teammates. They are the reason you're still alive. If it wasn't for them training you when you were a damn private you'd be just another soldier whos parents got the heartbreaking knock on the door, A folded flag and your dogtags, would be all that's fucking left of you.

But thankfully, that's going to happen anytime soon. At least you hoped. You weren't exactly super religious, but today, you were praying to the fucking gods that you survived this next mission.

You were going on a ‘simple’ solo mission tonight. There was no telling how many people would be guarding the building, but you were told to break in, get some files, a usb, and then get the fuck out.

The only good thing was you'd have one teammate standing guard for you, making sure you got out alive, so you weren't exactly totally alone. But still you were stuck working by yourself to get everything, take down however many guards at an unreasonable time of day where its max security because no-one can see.

How lovely right?

Of course not.

The mission started at 00:30. König, your Colonel had sent you and Calisto together, so she could keep an eye on you and make sure you survived while, Hutch and Oni got another building.

The whole team was spread out in pairs, but only one person was in the building at a time, the other stayed as a watch, of course you really did want to question König, but you couldn't cause each time you tried he dismissed you and sent you off to do something else.

Over the radio you heard Aksel, Oni, Hutch, Fender, Conor, and Horangi say they were in position, you and Calisto looked at each other with a nod before saying you guys were too. The mission was going perfectly according to plan, you'd get what you needed and get out, at least that's what you thought.

You got shot in the calf. It left a decent sized wound, you tried to persevere but failed, your leg was fucked, within a matter of seconds there was multiple armed enemy soldiers surrounding you. Your radio was one of the first things they took, breaking it just as it sprung to life, you couldn't call for help even if you wanted too now, Calisto wouldn't hear you considering how far you were in the building.

A sharp pressure was put onto your injured leg, one of the soldiers kicked it, pressing his boot into the wound. Trying to get anwsers from you, when you refused to tell him anything he used a knife, carving into your arm little by little.

You screamed once, the blade of the cold serrated knife carving over an extremely sensitive set of nerves, only leaving you to whine in pain. Your uniforms sleeve was cut to shreds at this point, you kept howling in pain but to no avail. 

It was only when everyone else was done that they realized you were M.I.A. Calisto hadn't seen you in a while, and you weren't exactly too keen on giving these fucks information, but the pain took over, the second you agreed to give them information König and the rest of the team busted in.

König noticed the fact that you were bloody, covered in cuts, once your whole dominant arm was completely covered in cuts they switched to your torso, face, wherever the fuck the had access to, they wanted the goddamn information that you had, just as bad as you needed the info they had.

Aksel was sent off to go get the  information you failed to get while everyone else took down the enemy soldiers. König took pride in killing these bastards, it was no real secret that he liked you, I mean the man didn't want to send you but he wanted you to prove yourself to him. Show him that you were just as good if not better than your teammates. But of course, not everything goes according to plan.

The moment he got to you he panicked, König grabbed you and motioned for everyone to get out of building and head to the helicopter. He held you tightly the whole flight back to base, the moment the vehicle landed he rushed you off to med bay, they told him he'd have to wait and be patient since this was a lot of fucking cuts.

I'm talking 30 or better. He didn't want to listen though. Instead König sat beside you, watching intently as they patched up your arm, torso and leg. You were put on crutches, being told you couldn't participate in any overzealous missions for a while, keeping watch was just about all you could do since the bullet wound in your calf impaired your mobility.

Once you were dismissed to your quarter in the barracks you instantly laid down, keeping your leg elevated as to not fuck it up more. Once you had just gotten comfortable there was a knock at your door, you didn't feel like getting up again so you just told the person to come in since the door was unlocked.

To your surprise it was the Colonel.

"König? What's going on?" You instantly sat up, in doing so you let out a wince. Your torso being sore from the immense damage inflicted on it during the mission.

"Oh mein lieber junge.. I shouldn't have let you go in alone, I'm so sorry.." He sighed disappointed in himself for letting this happen, pulling a chair up beside your bed.

König looked over you, so pissed off with his decision making. He should've let you speak but didn't want his ego to diminish for you being better at your decision making skill than him but it would be good for him to listen next time.

Within moments König was in the bed with you, his head burried in your neck as he laid beside you. You laid there glaring over at him each time he made an attempt to pull you closer, which only applied pressure to your wounds.

Needless to say, König never let you go on a mission alone again, despite the fact that you had proven yourself better. He wouldn't dare let himself think of the consequences that would happen if someone managed to capture you.

If they did manage to capture you they'd have to count their fucking days because König would make their death slow and painful.

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