Such a sweetheart. -Alejandro-

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Short comfort chap.

This took me almost a fucking month to publish.

The most recent mission you had gone on under the team you had grown to love, Los Vaqueros. But unfortunately the mission went to shit, well. I mean, it was passed, but multiple people were severly harmed.

You included.

It wasn't exactly the worst injury but it left you on crutches. A simple broken leg the bullet had shot through the bone and you just ignored it, causing the worsening of the injury.

It wasn't exactly a fun injury, but one that when healed would leave a neat scar. You let out a groan from the pain as you tried to stand up.

In a haste you grabbed your crutches, you didn't exactly want to use them, but you needed to, so you didn't harm yourself farther.

You had gotten thirsty so you were making a b-line for the kitchen, you hadn't really had anything to drink today since you hadn't had the motivation to get up and go grab a bottle then deal with going all the way back on fucking crutches, which are fucking annoying to do anything on.

As you finally got to the kitchen you leaned against the counter after successfully getting a water bottle, catching a glimpse of the Colonel's face. He looked shocked to see you.
And he honestly was, he hadn't seen you in a day or two, considering you only came out of your quarter occasionally for a snack or drink.

You flashed him a smile before opening the bottle, it making that iconic a cracking sound as you twisted the cap off. Alejandro leaned against the counter. "You feel any better, amigo?" Alejandro questioned, he knew you were fucked up after the last mission, I mean, the whole time you were forcing yourself to ignore the growing pain in your leg, just trying to push through and get back to Rudy and the others.

You shrugged, "Still hurts but it's definitely going to." You flashed another smile at him, downing the rest of your water, setting the bottle on the counter behind you.

You shifted most of your weight to your un injured leg, grabbing one of your crutches, using your other hand to throw away the bottle.

You grabbed your other crutch, Alejandro moved out of the way, and you went back to your room. Your body was still fucked, your leg hurt like a bitch, but you just ignored it, you didn't want to take a pain killer, even though they work they're highly addictive.

At this point it was about 10 at night, you were sitting in bed trying to get some rest.

But as you laid there in your bed relaxing, you heard a gentle knock to the door of your quarter, not bothering to get up you told the person to come in, seeing it was Alejandro made you smile, he always could be so sweet, it's one of the things you loved about him.

Alejandro walked into the room, closing the door and sitting on your bed, looking you over, he noticed that you were trying to relax, but you were still tense, so he carefully laid down beside you, wrapping his arms around your body and dragging you into a hug, sorta cuddling you in a way. Regardless it felt great, calming and oddly relaxing. Something you could get used too.

But with that being said you finally felt tired, as your eylids grew heavy, you slowly drifted into a comfortable sleep, Alejandro holding you close as he finally relaxed himself.

C.O.D. X Male!Reader OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ