Last Mission.. -König-

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Angst bc i fucking love this song and i have had so many ideas for it, i feel like I'll cry making this but idc i wanna make yall cry if i can.

uh warnings; death mention, gore, all that shit. All things mentioned are just for the story. If you feel like this please don't feel afraid to tell someone. It'll be okay. <3

As a young boy you were always happy, feeling that even if your parents were bad to you they loved you regardless, although that wasn't the case. They hated your guts.

Now as a 20 year old grown man you sit in your room in the barracks just drinking alone.

As of this week you had been sitting in your room, you had been downing beers and whiskey all week, it took the pain of out life. But it also took part of your life out of you.

You got called into Price's office with the rest of the guys. For the first time all week you were sober.

Price said you were going out on a mission tomorrow. It would be tough but you'd be with a partner, Ghost and Gaz, Soap and Horangi, Rudy and Alejandro, then finally you and König.

You two were usually together, ut was just because of the fact you got along fine. König would usually be sitting with you if he knew you were gonna get drunker than shit.

You'd do it everyday, no matter the occasion you were usually drinking to get your mind off of everything, no matter what you always had a beer in arms reach.

It was something that you knew would catch up to you but you didn't care. You honestly wanted it to. No-one would miss you.

As you began walking to your room you knew your life was shit. You just couldn't care, all you did was put up with it.

Now sure there could technically be something to live for but not for you. You couldn't care about women, getting to have sex before you die, you couldn't care. All of that shit wasn't gonna matter if you're already headed down a bad path.

You walked into your room, the halls of the barracks felt a lot more empty when you're sober. As you sat on your bed you began to think about what you've done to your life.

You haven't done shit to make yourselves useful.

You're just a lazy fucking drunk like your father.

That's all your mother called you as soon as you turned 20. By the time you were 15 you had already drank like 2 cases of beer, you were following in your fathers footsteps and it wasn't a good thing.

By the time your father was 15 he had a kid, your pathetic ass. He didn't want you and your mother didn't want you either but your birth certificate was basically an apology from the condom factory and birth control companies.

No matter how much you hated your life there was always one bandage that seemed to jumpstart your heart back to life in the perfect way. Alcohol.

You always just loved the burn that alcohol gave as it slid down your throat.

It made your throat raw after too much but you never cared.

After all it's not like anybody's gonna remember you in 50 years.

You don't have kids, don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend so no-one would pay attention if you walked out into the gun range grabbed a handheld gun and ended everything.

You sighed, laying down, seconds felt like minutes, and minutes like hours.

You laid there for a moment just trying to sleep, eventually drifting off to a much needed sleep.

Waking in the morning you felt like shit.
But that was just life.

You got ready for the mission just as your teammates did.

König began to seem worried for you.

You had slowly become his best friend. You always seemed so happy while drunk. But when sober and being yourself you were just so depressed.

Getting pn the aircraft you sat beside König, your head falling against his shoulder comfortably.

You had developed feeling for him and he had you but it was already too late for you.

This was probably gonna be your last mission.

You finally arrived at the mission site. You were doing good for a while until something horrible happened.

You had gotten caught up in a corner.

Trapped between a wall, and a couple of enemies. König was following behind the enemy. Trying to get ahold of them before they did you but there was too many people, a sniper on the roof, a few men with machine guns and multiple assault rifles.

Before anyone could take notice of the sniper you were shot.

You had gotten hit directly in the chest. Now yes, there is a bulletproof vest on everyone but there is armholes in each vest.

If a bullet slips through it can penetrate skin, being lethal if on the left side. You collapsed, falling against the wall behind you. König went into full panic.

He took out the sniper. He even know at first but he also didn't want to draw attention at first but he had to. He loved you alot.

König followed his action with taking out the few men on the ground, you could've but you didn't know how many bullets you had left after the previous partz of the mission.

Rushing over to you König collapsed infront of you, instantly hitting the button on his radio.

"Captain. This is König, y/n is down! He got shot in the chest, I'm requesting backup immediately!" He looked at your face as you held a hand over your chest.

You had taken off your vest, König began to feel tears swelling in his eyes. You removed your hand from your chest holding one of his hands as you used the other to begin cupping his cheek.

He let tears fall from his eyes. Pulling his mask up and off, he was gonna try and use it to help you but you denied it.

König began pulling his balaclava up as you pulled him into a gentle kiss, pulling away after a moment.

"König.. I love you to death, and i want you to know that. But I'm sorry. It's too late for me. This is my last mission.."

König sobbed softly. "You're not gonna die on me. We're gonna get you back to base and I swear you'll be okay."

The price and the others must've finally been able to get their part of the mission done, pulling up in a vehicle infront of you.

Your vision began going hazy. This was the end, the last mission.

At least you got to let the man you loved most know you loved him.

König broke seeing the life fade from your eyes. He got up, throwing his balaclava roughly against the ground. Soap, Ghost and Price walking up behind him as Horangi and the others remained in the Jeep.

Ghost put a hand on his shoulder. Price remained silent.

The death of a teammate was a harsh subject to think about. Especially if it was someone so young.

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