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Four days had passed and now jimin and taehyung were in the cafe doing their homework because it was the weekend,they wanted to do it together so they came to the cafe.

Ever since taehyung came from his parents house  he didn't stop ranting about the handsome doctor which he saw in hospital..... he often described him as beautiful and his crush.

Jimin was amazed by his best friend's behavior because there are hardly any people who catch taehyung's attention. Taehyung's expectations for a relationship and the guy was so high because he was gay, so of course he would look for a guy. Jimin was sure that the doctor surely was beautiful who caught taehyung's attention.

So here they were sitting in the cafe doing their homework, sipping on their second cup of coffee which Jungkook brought for them.

After sometime they were done with their homework, and taehyung said to jimin that he was tired and wanted to sleep.

So they got up from the table and jimin saw Jungkook approaching them. With the bill in his hands.

Jimin paid the bill and took his bag he was about to leave when.

" Jimin-shi" Jungkook called him and he stopped on his tracks, and looked at Jungkook.

" yeah" jimin said , taehyung was observing them waiting for Jimin to come with him.

" Can we talk" Jungkook asked.

" hmm.... yeah why not" jimin answered. He looked at taehyung and taehyung understood and told him that he was going to the apartment , he offered jimin that he will take his bag but jimin declined it.

Now taehyung was gone and jimin looked at Jungkook.

" umm there is a park nearby, it is very good.... I think we should go there if you want to " Jungkook asked hesitantly, to which jimin smiled and nodded.

They were about to go out when jisoo called them.

" where are you guys going"

" at the park noona "

" but Jungkook.... you know this is not sa--"

" it's ok we will just talk and beside that i am with him nothing will happen " this time jimin spoke cutting jisoo words. It was clear that jisoo was not worried about Jungkook but about jimin. She didn't ask further because she was the one nagging Jungkook to talk to jimin. So she nodded and smiled at them.

" ok then take care" she said and went away.

They walked and after sometime reached the park and now they were sitting on a bench in silence, admiring the people in front of them , children playing and a couple sitting on the grass.

" so " jimin asked

" thank you"

" for what"

" You know i am used to people getting to know about my truth and leaving me behind, except my hyung and noona..... even i didn't hurted them like i did to you , but they still left me...... and i hurted you more like almost killed you but here you are sitting with me like nothing happened " Jungkook explained sincerely and jimin was listening to him. Jimin sighed and said.

" Jungkook I don't know who you are talking about  that left you but i know that this is something that you can't control its a part of you and the people who truly cares about you will not at all leave you just like you said like your hyung and noona..... you shouldn't care about them and live your life okay" jimin said making Jungkook smiled.

" you are different from them because you stayed and didn't leave me "

" and why should I "  that immediate response coming from jimin's mouth did a thing to Jungkook's heart.

Unknown ___jikook ffWhere stories live. Discover now