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Jimin woke up early feeling refreshed, he got up from the bed and refreshed himself. He wore a light purple shirt and black shorts with it. He was not in the mood to make breakfast ,so he decided to went to cafe.

He went on his way to the elevator and pressed the button directed to the ground floor.... he was going alone because taehyung was still with his parents... yesterday when they were having breakfast taehyung didn't told jimin anything,when he saw that taehyung has not came back at the evening so he called him.

Taehyung said that he was at the hospital house because his sister was going to deliver a baby.... he congratulated taehyung because his sister was blessed with a beautiful baby girl.

Jimin was close to taehyung's sister, he also considered her as his own sister.... taehyung's sister jennie was smaller than taehyung and him.... she got married because she was pregnant with the baby ,and as for taehyung and jimin they still had to study ,so they didn't even thought about marriage.

Jennie was married to a guy who was working in her dad's company, the guy name was jongin ,which goes by the name kai now. The guy was so polite and humble ,both taehyung and jimin were happy for jennie, that she got the husband she deserves.

The familiar 'ding' sound was heard and jimin knew that he was on ground floor.

He started walking toward the cafe ,he was nervous and prayed in his heart to god that he doesn't see Jungkook in there ,because as much as jimin's heart wanted to see the certain brown haired male, but he decided against it and prayed to not make things awkward.

He reached to the cafe ,he took a long breath and entered the cafe. Jimin went to the table ,his regular table which was placed beside the window.

He sat on it and waited for the waiter to come.... he was waiting using his mobile ,he was so engrossed in the mobile,his concentration broke when he heared the sound coming from table.

He looked at the table in front of him ,there was a mini cake decorated beautifully, it looked delicious and what caught jimin's attention was a word 'sorry ' written on it.

He looked up and saw the sight which was jimin craving for ,from the morning.... there he was Jungkook looking at him, his eyes were almost covering from his bangs..... jimin's heart beat got faster seeing the face of the waiter.

" umm i..... this is for yesterday..... i.... i am sorry for what happened yesterday" Jungkook said indicating to the cake.

Jimin smiled at him and shook his head.

" It's ok it wasn't your fault at all ,i was nagging too much" jimin said.

" umm ok then.... what would you like to order today" Jungkook said smiling his infamous bunny smile, which always take jimin's breath away .

" just a coffee, nothing else" jimin said ,because he already had a delicious and sweet cake in front of him.

Jungkook nodded and went away to get jimin's order. Jimin was looking at his back.... he sighed and smiled once again seeing the cake, he took a spoon and tasted the cake ,and almost moaned at the sweet taste.

After sometime Jungkook came back with his coffee and placed in front of him.

" did you make it yourself" jimin asked from Jungkook indicating toward the cake.

Jungkook nodded.

" it's delicious... thanks for the cake" jimin said.

" no don't thank me, and take it as a sorry for yesterday"

" i told you it wasn't your fault, so stop saying sorry about that" jimin said and Jungkook nodded at that.

With that Jungkook went away attending the other tables, jimin was sipping his coffee and eating the cake ,and at the same time watching Jungkook attending another table.

Unknown ___jikook ffWhere stories live. Discover now