To End a 400 Year War

Start from the beginning

"Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres! Catch the bell but keep it ringing!" Yukiko said as she got them to move.

"We did it. It rang. You think Pops heard it?" Luffy asked Yukiko on a solid cloud.

"I'm sure he did." Yukiko looked at Luffy once he got healed.

Staring at each other for a while, Luffy and Yukiko started kissing each other.

After a few minutes, "We'd better get back to the others. They may be worried." Yukiko said.

The rest of the day seems to pass by as a blur. The Skypieans all came to the Upper Yard, since all their homes were destroyed on Angel Island, the Shandorians made peace with the Skypieans and allowed them to live up here with them, Gan Fall managed to find the Divine Squad and reunite them with their families, and to top it all off, that night, they celebrated with a big bonfire.

There was food, music, and dancing all night long. The Skypieans all danced with the Shandorians like they were old friends; it was like 400 years of war never happened!

Luffy even danced with Yukiko the whole time as her Pokémon enjoyed the festivities.

At one point he took her away from the party for a little quality time as they kissed each other.


The celebration lasted for three days straight.

When the party finally ends, Luffy drags his crew away from the crowd all secret like and grins excitedly.

"What exactly is going on here?" Sanji asks.

"Isn't it obvious? We're getting the gold!" Nami says happily, money shining in her eyes.

"Where is the gold?" Chopper asks.

"Follow us!" Yukiko says happily.

Although the crew was weary when we reached the giant snake and Luffy jumps into its mouth, "C'mon, before it wakes up!" He calls softly.

"You've got to be kidding…" Sanji says flatly.

Nami looks pretty weirded out as well, but she takes a deep breath, "C'mon guys, we've got gold to find!" She says, putting her game face on.

The crew goes into the snake's mouth and walk down it's throat, and once we do it looks more like a cave with ruins from the buildings its eaten!

"Geez, and I thought Luffy ate too much…" Sanji muses.

"Pachi…" Pachi nodded.

"Are we there yet?" Nami asks as we trek through the snake.

"We made it!" Yukiko said.
"Right here! See?" Luffy says, pointing ahead excitedly.

There are crowns, jewels, and even artifacts and plates made of solid gold! "Wow! Is this for real?!" Nami squeals, hugging a crown to her chest.

"Yep, I'd say this is the real deal!" Sanji says, examining a giant gold cross.

"There's even a bell like the ones the big monkeys showed us!" Chopper exclaims gleefully.

"Paaaaaaa!" Pachi chirped as she holds a long golden necklace with a giant ruby on the pendant.

"See? See?" Luffy jumps around happily. "There's so much stuff and it's all ours!"

"Let's hurry and get it! I'll have Minerva get them to the ship." Yukiko said.

"Man, we really hit the jackpot!" Luffy said.

"I'll say. Not only did we save Skypiea from a false God, but we even got the gold we were after! Normally we have to give up the treasure we're after, but not this time! We're finally rich!" Yukiko smiled as she had Minerva take the gold to the Merry.

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