Chapter 23: I Will Rescue You

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, uh...I don't know why I said that.  I'm not surprised by..." Isaac gestured to the two of them.

"Isaac". Anita finally spoke.

"Yeah?" He put his hand back down to his side.

"Can you not tell anyone?" She asked him softly.

Isaac's eyebrows knitted together in confusion not understanding why but nodded nonetheless.  "I should get to locker room, I'm already late". Isaac then headed off.

Simon looked to Anita than to Isaac's retreating figure and than back to Anita. "I'll keep an eye on him today". Simon than walked after Isaac.

"Simon is going to tag along with you!" Anita called out to him with a wide smile.

"Great". Isaac sighed under his breath, causing Derek to smile.

Anita suddenly shot her head back over to Isaac before scrambling to put her stuff in her bag.  "Merda!  I'm late for PE!"  Anita stood up, zipping her bag, Derek following suit.  Anita was about to go but Derek grabbed her arm, pulling him towards her.

Derek held the pen up with a smile. 

"Thank you".  Anita smiled at him, grabbing the pen before turning around to leave.

"Have fun". Derek called to her


"Simon isn't really following me around, right?"  Isaac asked Anita as he watched her stretch.

"He did in the locker room but now that I'm here he isn't".  Anita pulled at the bottom of her foot.

"You know I wouldn't tell". 

"I know.  Buuuuut you might accidentally let it slip".  Anita looked up at him, switching legs.

Isaac gave her an unamused look.

Anita looked down before pointing to his shoe.  "Shoe is untied". 

Isaac kneeled down to tie his shoe while Anita stood up to give her more space.  She told Isaac earlier that she would be running by herself because that was just how she liked it.  "Sorry".  Anita apologized to one of the twins when she bumped into him.

The whistle suddenly blew and Anita took off along with the other students.

"PACE YOURSELVES!  COME ON!"  Coach shouted to them.

As Anita was running up the hill, passing some students she saw Isaac pass her and chase after the twins soon noticing they were going the wrong way.

I'll ask later

She thought to herself, turning down the path.  She picked up her speed and after a few minutes she looked behind noticing some runners were a bit further behind her.

When Anita turned back around to the front she saw someone that she would pass in the hallways standing in front of her.

"Help me". He spoke and shoved Anita down a hill, causing her to roll.  She stretched her arms out to stop herself, only touching something that wasn't a tree.

She barley made out the images as it was too fast compared to everything else that she saw before.


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