Suddenly Robin held up a hand as if to halt. And Pachi growled.

Robin then pointed down and slowly the area they had just been in was full of men in white robes, white gloves, small horns on their head, and the skates on their feet allowing them to move quickly. They looked around the area and then the largest of them all appeared, he was apparently in charge as he gave them orders.

"Where are those bloody intruders?" The largest asked and slammed his hand into a slab, destroying one of the pieces Robin had been looking at.

Looking over slowly Yukiko saw that Robin had a murderous look in her eyes, but a closed smile on her face.

"Captain, Miss Beast Tamer. Let me handle them ," Robin said.

Luffy noted how serious she was and nodded his hea.

As Robin went to confront the group, Luffy and Yukiko followed after her and rested on one of the giant roots in the area. "You should not destroy ruins, history is very important." Robin said getting their attention.

Her tone was mostly neutral with a venomous undertone.

"Heh, so the rats have come out. You'll die for God," he said and ignored what Robin said.

'Famous last words.' Yukiko thought.

"I am Yama, the commander of the Enforcers here to dispatch any who wander unsanctioned on God's Land. Enforcers, destroy them!" To emphasize his command he slammed his arms behind him, destroying more of the pillars. Robin's ire grew.

"Your kind are definitely the type I dispise."


Before the men could blink, Robin made quick work of them.

"Alright Robin!" Luffy cheers.

"You showed them whose boss." Yukiko said with a thumbs up.


The quartet had come to a small clearing, but there were houses in ruins located on the area.

" This must've been a part of that civilization that long ago lived here. Wiper's ancestors had lived here in this village, but now it's falling apart." Yukiko said. "We'd better be careful though."

Suddenly, a new enemy appeared on one of the abandoned buildings.

He was a dark skinned man wearing a purple suit and hair that looked like a spiders legs. The man just stood there, not saying a word, but his face began to change and then he was laughing and the enforcers came out looking a little exasperated with the man.

"Gedatsu-sama, if you want them to hear what you're saying you have to say it out loud and not just think it!" One of the enforcers called out and the man's face went red.

The man coughed into his hand and then spoke. "I am Gedatsu, one of God Enel's priests, and I am the Ordeal of Swamp which only has a fifty percent chance of survival," Gedatsu said while grinning, his face changing over the course of his talk like it had while he was thinking it in his head.

"Alright! Gum-"

"Wait Luffy let me handle him. You need to conserve your energy against Enel." Yukiko said.

Luffy blinked and then smiled.

"Yosh, you show him Yukiko!" Luffy yells.

Then Yukiko turned to Gedatsu. "I'm Yukiko, Beast Master from the Blue Sea. I'll take you on."

The man's face was changing again and he began to laugh and Yukiko  gritted her teeth a bit, her canines scraping a bit against her lip. "Stop thinking what you want to say and just say it! I swear my opponets are getting weirder and weirder." Yukiko shouted.

"You are a fool to think you can best me in battle alone, little girl! I am a priest and none shall survive my power. You would've had a better chance of winning if you had kept your nakama close," Gedatsu said out loud this time.

"Zapdos, come out! And teach this guy a lesson." Yukiko said as her Lightning Titan came, surprising Gedatsu and the other enforcers.

"Brave Bird with Eerie Impulse and Thunder! Combo Move: Thunderbird Strike!"

Zapdos charged himself as he flew towards Gedatsu and his two enforcers, frying them to a crisp.
The man was fried but still alive. She walked over to him, his mouth hanging open and his eyes rolled back a little.

He looked at her, his voice choking a bit. "Are you a goddess? Have you come here to be with our God Enel?" Gedatsu asked and she shook her head at him.

"Far from it, I'm a Pokémon Master." Yukiko said as Pachi gave him a good whack to the head with an Iron Tail, knocking him out.

"And the best there's ever been." Yukiko smiled.

"Alright Yukiko, you too Zapdos!" Luffy said as he hugged his girlfriend.

We'll be seeing Enel in the next chapter and the real battle starts!

Updates may be slow over the next few days as I have a paper due.

Plz comment!

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