Chapter Thirty Six

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I Will be writing in italics when they talk in Spanish and in normal will be in English for this chapter as they don't all speak the same language in this chapter ;)

"Wait a sec, let me get the door" i told my guests as they sat down at my finally furnished dining table.

I opened the door and saw Pedri.

"What-how-when?" I laughed as he took a step forward and hugged me.

"I missed you so much, mi amor" he told me as he loosened his grip around me, keeping his arms around me though.

"Me too" I said as I looked at him, observing his face. "I'm glad your nose is doing better" I told him.

It was still very swollen but it was looking much better than the pictures he had sent me.

He then released from the hug completely before stepping back and taking a bouquet of flowers that was laid on his suitcase.

He handed them to me and gave me the smile with a hint of a blush im so used to seeing.

"Thank you" I told him. "Now, come in, this is your appartement after all" We laughed as he rolled his suitcase inside.

I told him to leave it by the door before we started walking towards the door connecting to the living room and kitchen.

"I've um.. I have some colleagues over so.." I told him as we stopped in front of the door.

He smiled, nodding, before we entered. As o closer the door behind us to keep the air conditioning in the room, I heard my three colleagues turn silent.

I turned back to them to see them eyeing Pedri.

"So.. Pedri these are my colleagues, Kevin, Marie, Stacey and Ethan. And you guys, this is my boyfriend, Pedri" I say as everyone is just looking at each other.

I walked over to the kitchen and grab a vase, unwrapping the hoquet and placing the flowers inside it.

"It's so nice to meet you Pedri" Stacey says as she stood up from the table.

"Oh, you don't have to talk Spanish, he can handle English well enough" I explained.

"It's very nice to meet you too" he said as he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek but she shook her hand.

The two boys did the same as I filled Pedri a plate, setting it on the table and we all sat down.

"You didn't tell us you were dating one of our sponsors" Stacey said.

"Well, you know.. we're keeping it on the low for now" I explained.

"So it's nothing serious?" Ethan asked intrigued.

"Actually" Pedri jumped in "It's quite the opposite" He added, giving a look to Ethan.

"Is that so?"

"We've been dating for three years and a half actually" he said as he looked at me with a smile.

"What really counts is what you make of the time you have" Ethan said before turning to me, although he was still directing his words at Pedri. "Although what I don't get is if it is serious and you really do care for her, why don't you make it public?" He asked, but it seemed more like provocative.

"What I don't get is why you're so interested in our relationship?" Pedro snapped back.

I gave Pedri a pointed look.

"I'm not, I'm just asking. I'm sorry I didn't know you were so insecure" Ethan snarked back.

"Our relationship is serious, and it's our choice how we want to handle it. We're not defined by what the public knows. There's more to us than what meets the eye, and that's what matters." Pedri retorted.

Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Okay, why don't we all take a second and just change subject" Kevin stepped in before Ethan could answer.

I gave him a thankful smile.

"So, if I may ask, why are you here Pedri?" Kevin wondered. "I mean it's Portland, why come here instead of somewhere else that has better temperature" he laughed.

"Well" Pedri said, finishing his mouthful before continuing. "I was actually planning to skip a training session because we have a four day weekend since we've been given days off next week, but I got punched in the face so I'm out temporary for injury" Pedri explained.

"And so, what do you guys work as?" He asked back.

"Kevin is Catalina's co-photographer, Marie is the lighting manager and Ethan and I are the product designers" Stacey replied.


"Bye! I'll see you guys after the weekend" I told them before closing the door.

Pedri was cleaning up the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. I helped him as we did it in silence.

I grabbed a Twinkie out of the pantry and sat on the counter once I was finished cleaning off the table. Pedri came and stood between my legs, placing his hands behind me, on the counter, and leaning on them.

"I don't like this Ethan guy" he mumbled as he looked in my eyes. Looking at one, then the other.

"Of course you'd say that" I simply said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you serious? Did you see the way he talked to me?" He scoffed as he leaned his head back.

"Yeah he was salty, but you didn't have to snap back. You should've been the better person" I told him, sneaking my arms around his neck, pulling him back closer to me as I continued eating my Twinkie.

He opened his mouth and I let him take a bite of it.

"Mm, good" he nodded at it. "He was asking for it" he said going back to his and Ethan's subject.

"Yeah, but he's my colleague, I have to get along with him, you know?" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

He pressed his lips against mine, ours moving together in a perfect, slow rhythm. "I'm sorry" he mumbled.

"Mm" I hummed out "You're forgiven"

Once he pulled away, we both smiled at each other.

"I'm tired, let go to bed" I told him as I slid down the counter.

His arms released from my grip to my hand, holding it while we took his suitcase that was still in the hallway before heading to my room.

I got changed in my pyjamas before flopping into bed. Today was long but it's thankfully Friday.

I felt my eyes closed and I couldn't resist the feeling as I dosed off. I felt Pedro slide under the covers beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist as my back pressed on his chest.

"Buenas noches, amor"


I was writing this during the ucl match against Porto. I'm in denial with how we played 💀

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter and as always I hope you're doing healthy and happy!


Pedriittaa <3

The bench // Pedri Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin