Chapter Twenty Eight

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Ferrán, Pablo, Mikky, Catalina, Frenkie, Sophie, Pedro and Ansu had all agreed to do a beach day.

Catalina's towel was in between Sophie's and Mikky's. They were tanning as the boys were playing volleyball a few meters away from them.

"So, what do you have planned for this last half of August?" Mikky, who was on the left side of Catalina, asked the two girls.

"Well, I don't have much planned since photography starts back in September" Sophie replied

"Same, nothing much except my birthday" Catalina replied after Sophie.

"It's soon right?" Sophie asked Catalina

"Yeah, in a couple of days actually. On the 26th" Catalina replied, sitting up to lean on her elbows.

"Yeah, that's soon. In five days" Mikky added on "are you planning anything?"

"Hmm, I don't think so. I've never really had birthday parties before when I still was with my parents"

Catalina had opened up to her three friends about her loss. It had been hard for her but they had all been gentle and caring, making it somewhat easier.

"And you haven't planned anything with Pedro?" Sophie asked, wiggling her eyebrows at her.

"What. No" she laughed. "We're taking things slowly" she told the two girls.

"In any case, don't do anything you don't want to or that you'll regret" Mikky told her

"Oh my god. You guys are starting to sound like my parents. I don't need the talk, don't worry about it" the youngest replied, covering her face in her hands in embarrassment.

"We just want to be sure" Sophie told her.

"Okay, I'm going to go before any of this amplifies" Catalina laughed "Let's go play some volleyball with the boys" she offered the two.

"Yeah, let's go, it's been a long time since I've played some on the beach" Sophie chanted, grabbing the hand Catalina pulled her up with.

"You girls do that, I'll join you in a bit. I've just got to head to the bathroom real quick" Mikky told them.

The two girls headed over to the boys, who were already playing volleyball in waist deep water. They were divided in two teams: Ansu, Ferrán and Frenkie against Pedro and Pablo.

"Are you girls going to come and join us?" Pedro asked them after they watched them play for awhile.

"Yup" they replied, receiving a smile from both their boyfriends.

"Oh, Catalina, join us! I remembered you told me you played volleyball at school" Ferrán said.

Catalina could see Pedro look at Ferrán weirdly. But she accepted his offer and joined their team as Sophie joined Pablo's team.

As expected, Catalina's team won, by far.

"It's not fair, we were short of one person!" Pablo complained as they all headed back to their towels.

"Yeah about that, does anyone know where Mikky is?" Frenkie asked, genuinely worried.

"She left to go to the bathroom awhile ago now" Sophie replied.

"If she doesn't come back soon, I'll go looking for her" Catalina reassured Frenkie. "Now, does anyone want some drinks?"

"I heard they did great mojitos in the area" Ansu said

"So, a mojito for everyone?" Catalina asked, turning towards everyone.

Everyone agreed, so she headed to the little bar that was a hundred meters from their spot. Pablo had decided to accompany her so it would be easier to carry the glasses.

"So, I was thinking, I wanted to invite Sophie to a date. A real one for once. What should I do?" He asked Catalina.

"Hmm. Something fancy?" She asked Pablo

"Definitely. I want to show her how important she is to me" he confessed

"Aww, your so cute" she teased him, receiving a small push from her victim. "Well, you could bring her to a restaurant. And then you guys could on a walk or something. Sophie likes simple things. I'm sure she'll be happy even if you brought her to McDonald's. It's the little things that count to her" Catalina told him after thinking for awhile.

"I like that. Thank you for your help" he said, as they stepped foot on the wooden planks that border the restaurant.

"You'll keep me updated?" She asked him.

"Of course" he told her, giving her a little kiss on her head. "We'll have eight mojitos, including a virgin one please" Pablo told the bartender. "You know, I've never seen Pedro as happy as he is at the moment" he told Catalina.

"Well, I'm happy he's doing better, with his injury at the end of the season and all" Catalina told Pablo, being careful not to mess anything up.

"You get what I mean" Pablo said, looking at her "He won't stop talking about you" he smiled "I'm happy for you two"

"He told you?" Catalina asked, as Pedro and her had told each other to keep it on the down low.

"Do you really think he gathered the courage to ask you by himself" he laughed.

"Yeah, I thought it was quite impulsive of him" she laughed too.

"Cash or card?" The bartender asked the two, handing them two trays with their drinks.

"Cash" Pablo said, handing the money over to him "Keep the change as a tip" he smiled, as they each grabbed a tray.

They both walked back to the others making fun of something on tiktok they had both seen and recalled now.

"Oh Mikky you're back" Catalina said as she sat down in between the two girls

"Yeah, my mom called me and I didn't see time pass" she told them.

"Let's play never have I ever" Pablo suggested, when everyone agreed he started "Never have I ever, cheated"

"So if we did we have to drink?" Ansu asked.

"Yeah, and if you didn't you don't drink" Frenkie clarified.

No one drank except Ferrán and Mikky. Everyone expected it from Ferrán but where shocked when Mikky did.

"Not on Frenkie, on some random guy from my school, I had drunk to much and I kissed one of his friends" she said before adding "he did deserve it though, he had cheated on me like twice before that"

"Never have I ever went on a date with someone of the group" Ferrán asked, expecting him and Catalina to be the only one to drink apart from the couples.

All eight of them drank.

"The four of you have some explaining to do" Pablo accused teasingly.

"The games just to drink Pablito, not to provide details" Ansu shrugged dramatically with his  shoulders, a little innocent smirk on his  face.

"Never have I ever went skinny dipping" Ansu stated.

Everyone drank from their glass. Some side eyes being pointed around the group.


Sorry for taking so long to update.

I was just fiddling around the app and I saw we reached 14.8k!?!? What the... I'm truly grateful for all of you who read, comment, vote my story. I never thought I'd get so many views, considering my other one had "only" hit 600 in 5 months. I love you all, thank you for supporting me :))

These next few chapters should be calm and drama free, but I'd like to keep you one thing in mind: the calm before the storm.


Pedriittaa <3

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