Chapter Fourteen

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Two hours after Catalina had come back from the kitchen, they had finally finished the movie. Somehow, during that time, Catalina's head had landed on Pedro's chest and he was playing with her hair.

Seeing Catalina have no reaction when the credits finished, he assumed she had fallen asleep, so he put his computer on the bedside table and turned the light off. He slightly adjusted himself so that his back was on the bed and not on the headboard, while keeping Catalina's head on him.

"Pedro?" Catalina whispered

"Mhm?" Pedro hummed, inciting her to say what she had in mind.

She lifted her head from his chest, placing one elbow near his shoulder and balancing her weight on to it so that she could look at him in his eyes. Her other arm was loosely around his chest, almost on his hips.

Normally, all this physical contact would be too much for her. With Pedro it just gave her butterflies in her stomach, thinking about how close they were. But tonight, she had told herself she would tell him and that was what she was going to do.

"I-I, have to tell you something" she said but her voice cracked in between her sentence, hinting that she was crying.

She didn't want Pedro to know she was crying, she didn't want him to see her so vulnerable.

"Are you crying?" He asked her, passing his thumbs on her wet cheeks, "Whats wrong? Did I do something wrong?" He asked her, lifting his head

This made Catalina laugh, she found it so cute how he thought directly that he had done something wrong.

"No Pedro. I'm the one who did something wrong" she told him, watching his chest go up and down in the black room.

"Don't say that Catalina, I'm sure that's not true" he reassured her, starting to brush his hand through her hair once again.

"I wish I could agree but" her voice cracked and this time, she couldn't hold herself from crying.

Pedro hugged her, practically bringing her on him. Her hands where now around his waist as she sobbed on his shoulder. He didn't say anything, just stroked her hair and her back until she would feel ready to say something. Slowly, he felt her breathing go back to a normal, calmer pace.

"I've, I've been keeping something from you Pedro. And it's been eating me from the inside ever since" she confessed to him, barely in a whisper, she thought he hadn't heard her, but he always did.

"I'm sorry you don't feel like you can trust me enough to tell me. But whatever it is, you shouldn't be rushed into telling anyone" he told her, his hand reaching down to rub her back

"No Pedro, you deserve to know, I just, I can't tell you, I don't want to ruin whats going on between us" Pedro thought for awhile, before lifting her head up with his hands, seeing her eyes slightly swollen from crying

"Whatever it is, take your time to tell me okay? I don't want you to feel rushed, you can tell me when you feel like it and when you're ready" he told her, before kissing her on the head

Catalina's nodded into his chest, hugging him as he was underneath her, as she wrapped her arms around him, she felt the warmth of his back, since the mattress had brought his shirt up.


Both were sleeping peacefully, both enjoying the others company more than they'd like to admit. Pedro had unconsciously big spooned Catalina, one leg on top of hers and holding on to her waist as his face was snuggled in her neck. Catalina had her hands around his arms, Pedro's soft snoring comforting her as she slept.

The bench // Pedri حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن