Chapter Thirty Four

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As I woke up it took me awhile to remember where I was, on my bed, or just a mattress laying on the floor.

I got up and started to unpack my clothes, laying them in piles next to my window as a makeshift wardrobe for now. I then filled my bathroom with my products.

I got ready for my day, sending a quick message to Pedro.

"I'm leaving for work right now, I call you tonight when I get home"

I closed my door behind me and left by foot to the studio.

"Hello" I said once I reached the lady at the front desk.

"Hi, you must be Ms. Rodriguez?" The lady, who according to her name tag was called Jessica, replied.

"If you'll follow me I'll show you to Mr. Steven's office" Jessica explained.

I nodded and we head towards his office. She knocked before entering. I followed closely.

"Hello, Ms. Rodriguez" he smiled at me as he nodded towards a chair, inviting me to sit down.

"Welcome to Adidas" he smiled again "My name is Bruce Steven, and I'm your direct boss" he explained.

I nodded along, waiting for him to continue. He opened one of his desk's drawers and pulled out a heavy looking file.

""So, first off" he cleared his throat "This is your work email account" he told me as he handed me a paper and pointed where was inscribed: "Once you long into it you'll be sent a mail with your timetable, your exceptional days and your off days" he explained.

"Your role here is to be our Digital Marketing Specialist. A fancy name to explain photographing and posting on our media's, including our website. This shouldn't be much different then your job in Barcelona"

I nodded along.

"You'll be working about forty hours a week with our normal models. Some sports models might travel too" Bruce said.

I continued to nod along, as he explained every little detail of the job offer. He ended up making me sign tons of paperwork, including my contract.

"I think that's it" he concluded. "Oh, actually, these are your car keys. The license plate should be written on one of the papers of the file and you should have your own parking spot" he handed them over to me "your office keys are on it too"

I took the keys and the file he was handing me.

"Thank you so much Mr. Steven" I said as I got up.

"It's no problem. I'll see you around Ms. Rodriguez" Bruce smiled.

I smiled back before walking out. I directed myself towards the office, which I found thanks to a map of the building.

When I got into my office it felt weird, to think I'll spend so much time here and not in my office back in Barcelona.

I looked around the spacious office before sitting down on my desk chair. Exhaling deeply, taking it all in.

Bzz. Bzz.

Bzz. Bzz.

I picked up the call with a smile on my face when I saw who was calling me from FaceTime.

"Cataaaaa" Sophie screeched, before seeing Mikky and Sira waving happily at me.

"Hey girls!" I smiled, resting my phone against the pencil holder my desk had.

"How are things going in Portland?" Sophie asked.

"Everything's so different. I miss you all" I sighed.

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