Chapter Twenty Three

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Pedro's POV:

Waking up, my curtains are pulled, the room still dark. I'm fully dressed in my button up shirt and my pants. I don't remember coming up here, I think I might have drunk a bit much.

After half an hour in bed, debating on getting up one day or not, I get out of my bed, towards my shower. I quickly shower, throwing on some sweat pant shorts with no shirt as Pablo is probably the only one left, since he lives here too.

Going downstairs, I see Pablo and Sophie on the couch, Pablo's arm on the couch over her shoulders. They're cute.

"Hola" My voice is husk as I mutter out my first word of the day.

"Hola" they both reply synced, Pablo smiling genuinely at me. "I don't remember the end of last night, who brought Catalina back home?" I ask supposing Sophie didn't since she was here.

"Oh, she's in the guest room, I had drunk too much to drive last night so we ended up staying the night. I'm sorry if I had know it bothered you-" I cut her before she continues blabbing on none sense.

"No worries, you both can crash anytime" I smile at her before going into the kitchen.

There, I grab a glass and fill it up with some fresh fridge water. Glancing at the ovens clock, I see it's almost noon and it's probably best to go check on Catalina. I grabbed her a glass too and headed to the guest room.

I knock softly but when there's no response I open it slightly. I open it wider when I see Catalina fast asleep, huddled up on her side.

I approach her, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I rubbed her back, seeing her eyes flutter open as she smiled when she acknowledged my presence. She was so cute when she woke up.

She pulled my hand, backing up a bit and patting the open space she had created. I l'aide down on my back, looking at the ceiling as we enjoyed the peaceful silence together.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask her as I adjust myself on the bed.

"Mhm" she hummed positively, rubbing her eyes lightly as she got used to the rooms lighting.

"How are you feeling since last night?" She asks me, her morning voice being awfully cute.

"I'm okay, how about you?" I asked her, thinking she was just trying to be polite and returning the gesture.

She chuckled before replying gently, laying herself on her back next to me, only our arms touching. "I'm not the one who was drop dead drunk last night. But I'm doing good, just extremely tired" she told me

"Oh. You were talking about that" I say, making her laugh. "What did I do? Why are you laughing like that?" I question her as I turn my body towards her as she keeps her gaze on the ceiling.

She hesitated before replying "Nothing.." I would've believed her if her cheeks hadn't given her away from blushing.

I turned her face towards mine, my fingers lingering on her chin as our faces were centimetres away.

"Please. Tell me. Did I-did I treat you okay?" I plead her at first, then realising that maybe I had done something wrong.

"No, you were just being cute, that's all" she smiled at me, her cheeks still red, probably recalling the moment.

"So you find me cute huh?" I tease her, trying to divert the subject of the conversation away from last night.

"Well, maybe a bit. You have your moments" she giggles at me as she touches my hair, probably flattening out a rebellious strand.

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