Chapter Eighteen

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Pedro and Catalina had ignored each other as best as possible. They only talked if they had too, and it was awkward

Today was a special gala organised for Sergio and Alba's departures. Catalina was going as a photographer, and Sophie as Pablo's date.

In between them, nothing was quite definite. They were together, but nothing was quite official; they had no label. Catalina was sure that Pablo would ask Sophie soon though.

As Catalina arrived in the ball room, she couldn't help but admire it. There was red and blue, everywhere she looked at. The tables had a white cloth over them, with blue and red decorations.

There were special chairs dedicated for the departing players.

It was beautiful.

Looking at her watch, she saw she had to get outside, before the guests would arrive. No paparazzis where allowed at this event, and Catalina felt very honoured that she was the only photographer present at the event.

The team soon started to arrive, but a few hadn't arrived yet. Hearing footsteps, she looked up, smiling when she saw her two friends.

"Hola! You guys look so good!" She gushed as she took a few pictures.

As Sophie came closer to her to kiss her on the cheek, she looked at their outfit a bit more closely. She noticed how Sophie's burgundy dress matched Pablo's tie.

"You two are matching tonight, how cute" she teased them, receiving a puff from Pablo.

"It was Pablo's idea" Sophie said, grinning at him while wrapping her arm around his. "Anyways, we're going to go, we'll se you later?"

Catalina nodded simply, while taking pictures of Jordi and his wife, who were passing by.

Now there was only one person missing, him, Pedro. Catalina hesitated going back inside, but she knew that he'd understand she was avoiding him.

She looked up from her phone hearing a set of two footsteps coming her way. Her gaze stopped on Pedro, and another girl.

Catalina's eyes widened when she saw their arms intertwined. She quickly took a few pictures, secretly hoping they were horrible, once they were posing.

The two left afterwards, the girl flashing Catalina a genuine smile.


Luck wasn't on Catalina's side apparently, because she was seated right in front of the two. Luckily, she had Frenkie next to her, because Mikky had been unable to come.

As the conversation started flowing, Frenkie question Pedro's date.

"I'm sorry this might sound rude, but who are you? Are you Pablo Torre's date, I told you Pedro he'd get one soon" Frenkie laughed.

"Uh, no Frenkie. This is actually my date, Valentina" Pedro corrected his friend, eyeing Catalina's reaction.

"Oh. I thought Catalina was your date?" Frenkie asked, having no clue about what had happen between them.

"No, I came because my manager called me to shoot the dinner" Catalina replied coldly when Pedro was about to.

Dinner passed, neither quickly or slowly. Soon, music started to play and some people started to dance a bit, alcohol wearing off.

"So Catalina, working with all these hotties, one of them must've caught your eye right?" Valentina asked, no mean intentions behind it.

Catalina looked at Pedro, who suddenly was interested in the conversation even though he had been in his thoughts for the whole dinner.

"No, no one here is actually my type" Catalina shrugged her shoulders innocently.

She felt her chair being pulled away from the tables and someone grabbed her by hands, pulling her up to stand. Looking up, she saw Pablo.

"Sophie had to leave. She told me to take care of you, because she told me about" he looked in between Pedro and her "you know"

Catalina nodded "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" she told him as she looked in his eyes.

"It's nothing, I'm sure you had your reasons" Pablo told her simply, looking back at the table to Pedro who had a death stare going their way.  "Come on, let's get you something to drink, but not something too strong" he winked at her, pulling her by the hand.

Once they got far enough from the table, next to the drink section, Pablo spoke up "So, he's still mad at you?" He asked her

"Yup. He keeps avoiding me, and now, he brought another girl? I mean, I don't want to judge or whatever but if he was actually hurt he wouldn't bring another girl so quickly"

Pablo laughed hard when she told him that.

"For that, you don't know Pedro. He's only doing this to make you jealous. To spark a reaction in you."

"What? He told you that?"

"No, but come on, I know my best friend! It's so obvious by the way he looks at you. He's so not over you" Pablo told her, handing her a glass of red wine.

"I'm not going to beg at his feet, if that's what he's trying to get me to do" Catalina laughed

"No, he's not doing it on purpose, he probably thinks he's okay without you, but you'll see in awhile, he'll come back to you" Pablo told her, putting his arm around her shoulders, side hugging her while they watched Robert swaying his hips to the music.

"At first I didn't get the hype he had about his TikTok videos, but seeing this, I totally get it now" she laughed as Pablo joined her.

The night flew by when the two spent time together. She took lots of pictures of the night, even passing her camera to a few people so they could try. Pablo even brought her back home when he saw she was going to take the bus.


I'm so sorry about this chapter, I need to fill the story in a bit so I'm taking the opportunity to do so. I'm also sorry because this is such a small chapter but I'll try to post soon even though my exams are starting on Monday :/

Did you guys end up liking Catalina's POV? Should I make another chapter with it? Let me know

I hope you're all doing great ! Thank you so so much for all the comments, and the 5k reads !!


Pedriittaa <3

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