Chapter Four

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Pedro didn't know what to reply. He knew this was the perfect moment to confess but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He didn't want to loose his newfound friend. It had only been a few weeks but they had gotten so close and it had been a while since Pedro had found such a genuine friendship.

Pedro loved to talk to Catalina, it felt like all the weight on his shoulders were lifted instantly. He liked being a nobody, talking to her about anything or everything, without being scared it would affect his imagine. He was sick of being controlled by managers, not being able to do what a twenty year old boy should be able to do freely.

He wanted to be normal, and that's what Catalina made him feel like.

"Bro? Are you even listening?" Pablo asked Pedro, waving his hand in front of eyes to catch his attention.

"Huh?" Pedro said, not catching what Pablo had asked him.

"We're going to order another set of drinks, you're coming with me to the bar to get everything" Pedro nodded, he didn't want to see Catalina again but he knew this was his opportunity to talk to his housemate alone.

They started walking to the bar, outside of the VIP section. People were mostly too drunk, or didn't care, to go up to them and crowd them up.

"Wait, Pablo, before we reach the bar I have to tell you something" Pedro shouted over the music that had gotten significantly louder now that they were in the normal section

"What is it Pedro?" Pablo asked shouting over the music too.

"Remember Catalina, well, she's here" Pedro told Pablo. Pablo looked around trying to see who had caught the eye of his best friend.

"That's great! You should go tell her now than, it's way better to say it in person and not over the phone" Pablo said while Pedro shook his head disapprovingly

"No, she's already talked to me, but she didn't know it was me" Pedro rambled, unsure how to explain it, so instead he showed the message and the image he had received from Catalina.

Pablo's mouth formed the shape of a « O » as he finished analysing the message. "That's so wrong Pedro, you have to tell her! The more you wait the worse it's going to be !"

Pablo was right but Pedro couldn't bring himself to do so. So he just followed Pablo to the bar to grab everyone's drinks.

Waiting for everyone's drinks to be made, Pedro ordered three shots of vodka to the other bartender. When he received them, he drank them all at once. Pablo looked at his friend, worried, he wasn't one to drink a lot and especially not like that.

"Pedro, you should stop now" Pablo said when Pedro called the bartender to order more.

"Stop, I'm fine, it won't hurt to loosen up a bit, isn't that what you all told me to do tonight?" Pedro said. Pablo mentally facepalmed himself, not eager to see in what state Pedro would finish in tonight.


It was two days after the night, Pedro had been hangover after drinking a lot and spent most of the day after in bed. Finally feeling better a day later, he decided to text Catalina

Catalina :)

sorry for not replying,
how was your night?

it was great,
we just grabbed a drink
or two so I'm not hangover
What did you do?

I had a night out with some friends

I totally get it if your not
up for this, what do you say
to meeting me at the waffle
place in 30?

Pedro thought of an excuse to say he couldn't go, but he could hear Pablo's voice in the back of his head. He had to tell her, whether he wanted to or not. It wasn't fair to Catalina.

Sure, I'll be there

Pedro hopped in the shower and quickly got dressed. Making himself a quick breakfast, a sleepy Pablo stepped foot in the kitchen, asking Pedro where he was going.

"I'm going out to the waffle place, with a ...friend" Pedro hesitated, Pablo didn't take notice of this and made himself a bowl of cereal before plopping himself on the couch to eat.

Pedro quickly finished his breakfast, grabbed his keys and headed out, hearing Pablo shout at him "Have fun at your date with Catalina" making him smile widely.

Firstly I'd like to thank you all for almost 50 views, it means a lot!
Secondly, I'd like to precise that when I simply talk about Pablo then I'm talking about Pablo Gavi, and I'll just say Pablo Torres for Pablo Torres. Hope this makes everything clear!
And lastly, I'm sorry this chapter is way shorter than the others but I feel like it was best to end it here!
Love, Pedriittaa <3

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