Chapter Three

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Pedro arrived back home and sorted all his groceries. He then rushed up to Pablo's room because there wasn't much time before their friends were arriving soon.

He knocked on Pablo's door and before he could reach the doorknob to open it, Pablo had opened up.

"Hi, was shopping okay?" Pablo asked, yawning in the middle of his sentence. His hair was scruffy and messy, he had probably just woken up from a nap.

"Uh, yeah, yeah it was. Can I talk to you?" Pedro asked nervously.

Pablo moved aside and gestured for Pedro to sit on his bed. Joining his friend, he hoped he was alright, sensing his nervousness.

"So... what is it you want to tell me ?" Asked Pablo

"Remember a few weeks ago, I was talking to a girl? To Catalina ?" Pablo nodded, saying nothing to let his friend continue.

"Well, I started talking to her since then and now we are quite good friends but" Pedro paused for a second, not wanting to admit what he had done "I lied to her about my identity"

"What?" Pablo asked perplexed "what do you mean by that?"

"She doesn't know I'm a famous football player and I lied to her when she asked what I did for a living. I told her I worked for Barcelona as a ball boy" Pedro let out at once.

"Does she not watch football to not recognise you?"

"We've never met, I'm talking to her with a fake Instagram account" Pedro admitted

Pablo was shocked. He didn't know what to tell his friend. He had done something bad, but he being in the same situation as him, he totally understood why he did it. Being famous is very tough, sometimes you just want that weight off your shoulders and pretend your just some random person.

"So you like this girl?" Pablo finally decided to ask.

"I do, I really do, but as a friend though. For the moment" Pablo smiled at Pedro, he obviously liked Catalina but was too shy to admit it.

"Then if your relationship is worth it, you have to tell her. Tell her who you really are, for all you know she doesn't even know who you are" Pablo laughed.

Pedro decided to follow Pablo's advice. He would tell her when the perfect moment came up.


All the boys had arrived at Pedro and Pablo's appartement. They had decided to play a fifa tournament just like the good old days.

"Goal!!" Screamed Pablo Torres and Frenkie at the same time. Neymar was now loosing 3-1 to Frenkie.

"Guys, I was thinking, we should go to the club tonight !" Lionel said in a cheery voice.

Pedro looked around the room to see everyone being okay with it and wanting to go, so he simply replied to Lionel by giving him a thumbs up.

They all sat around the table, eating Pedro's delicious tomato pasta. All discussing about random things, suddenly the conversation flipped to the club and Pedro's love life.

"So Pedro, tonight we're going to look for a girl for you" screeched Neymar.

"Yes!! We'll choose one that's perfect for you!" Lionel said, matching the energy Neymar was using. Everyone laughed.

Pedro facepalmed, this was the last thing he wanted to do or talk about.

"Pedro, we're doing this for you, so that you won't end up living alone with twenty cats!" Frenkie told his friend

Pedro's housemate looked at him, Pedro understood what message he was trying to get across. He didn't want Pablo to talk about Catalina, so he shook his head negatively.

"Unless, you're not telling us everything and you have someone!" Shrieked Neymar again, putting his hand over his heart pretending to be offended.

Pedro was to embarrassed to say anything, but luckily for him, the conversation soon changed topic.


Pedro's eyes struggled to adjust to the constant disco lights as they all entered a nightclub. His ears were pounding with the loud music.

Making their way to the VIP section, they stopped at the bar. Waiting for the server to be available, Pedro couldn't stop staring at this girl who was drinking a cocktail with whom he assumed to be her friend.

"She's good looking, isn't she? You should go up to her!" Frenkie shouted loud enough in Pedro's ear so that he could hear him.

Pedro shook his head no, he's want that type of guy.

The bartender finally asked them what they wanted to order. But when Pedro ordered his cocktail, the bartender couldn't hear him so he approached the bar close to where the two girls were sitting so he could hear him better. Doing this, he locked eye contact with the girl he found beautiful.

Frenkie smirked at Pedro, but Pedro just rolled his eyes at his friend. He turned completely away from the girl to face Frenkie and they talked while waiting for their drinks.

Pedro saw Frenkie smile widely as he felt someone tap his shoulder. Turning around to see who this was, he saw the beautiful girl. She was slightly shorter than him, which allowed him to notice how pretty her green eyes were.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, if you came here you probably didn't want to be bothered by fans but I know someone who's a big fan and I was wondering if I could take a photo ?" The girl shouted quickly over the music to Pedro.

Pedro chuckled before replying "Of course" as she smiled widely.

She whipped up her phone and they took a selfie together. The girl thanked Pedro lots of times and they even talked a bit waiting for Pedro's drink to be served.

As Pedro and Frankie headed to the VIP section with their drinks, Frenkie teased Pedro about finding a girl tonight. Pedro felt his phone vibrate and took it out of his pocket.

Catalina :)

*tap to open sent photo*
Was at the bar and thought
of you when I saw him ;)

Pedro was horrified opening up the photo, seeing the selfie he had token minutes earlier. He had thought she was a random girl, but it was Catalina

I Hope you're all doing well.
So they've met for the first time! Unconsciously though for Catalina. How will this go?
Love, Pedriittaa <3

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