Chapter Twenty

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Catalina sat at her small table, eating a bowl of pasta while watching her all time favourite show, Casa Del Papel. She had woken up a few hours ago, sleeping in as she didn't have to work on the field today.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Catalina hopped off of her bed, wondering who it was as she didn't expect anyone over for the day. As she opened up, she was surprised to see Pedro.

"Hola Pedro" she greeted him, standing slightly on her tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek "I'm sorry, I'm kind of a mess, I wasn't expecting you over" she told him, opening the door for him to come in.

"Hola, I'm sorry for coming unannounced, I just, I-uh, I had to clear my head, so I grabbed my keys, drove with no destination, and arrived here" he told her,

She smiled, her heart warming up when he insinuated that he wanted to spend time with her. When she examined his face more closely, she could see he wasn't doing too well. His eyes were slightly red and puffy, his under eye bags were more pronounced than usual, he was all pale.

"What's wrong?" She asked him, as she saw him looking everywhere but at her. When he finally did, she could see his eyes were filled with tears threatening to slide down his cheeks.

Before she could say anything else she understood what he needed, to be hugged as hard as possible. She opened her arms, letting him refuge himself in her arms. She couldn't hear him sobbing but she could feel his chest go up and down quickly.

"I'm sorry Catalina, I-I" Pedro started but Catalina didn't let him finish.

"You just need me to be there for you, I'm here. You don't have to say anything or explain anything" she said, bring her hand up to his hair, brushing her hand through it.

She brought him over to the table, bringing two chairs and placing them right next to each other. She made Pedro sit, as she sat on the one next to him. But, Pedro pulled her to him, so she was sitting on his lap, her feet on the other chair, hugging her once again.

"It's Luna" Catalina's heart dropped when she heard Pedro's childhood dog being mentioned. "She's, go-gone" he told her, between sobs, tightening his grip on the hug.

Even though she had never met the mentioned dog, Pedro had talked about her numerous times. She knew how important she was to Pedro's eyes.

"Pedro, I'm so sorry" she started, hesitating before finally adding "do you want me to call Pablo?"

She didn't know how  to act around Pedro when he was in this state. She even thought that Pedro would prefer being with Pablo.

"No, I mean- am I bothering you by being here?" He asked, lifting his face from her neck, looking at her with his tear stained cheeks.

"Aw not at all Pedro" she told him, flicking her thumbs across his cheeks to remove all his tears, smiling softly at him. "Do you just want to stay here? We can watch a movie?" She offered him, seeing his eyes slightly light up happily.

Pedro slightly nodded, agreeing. Catalina quickly changed into some comfier clothes, some sweatpants and a tank top. Coming out of the bathroom she saw Pedro sitting under the sheets, her computer already on Netflix.

She sat down next to him, pulling the blanket on her too. She felt Pedro grab her waist, pulling her closer to him, letting her head flop on his shoulder as she put an arm around his waist too. But he quickly changed his position, his head falling onto her lap as she turned a movie on. As if on instinct, Catalina stroked his hair.

She soon heard him slight snoring, his breathing being regular.

As she put her computer on her bedside table, she felt her phone vibrate, a call coming in. When she saw it was Pablo, she picked up.

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