Mummy- Part II (ShubRat)

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A/N: Before we jump into this one, also check out '' my Jassi-Virat OS series in which I updated an adorable chapter a couple of days ago!


The team had won the first ODI against Australia rather comfortably. They celebrated with a good dinner, and went back to their rooms, a little late at night.

Virat had just closed his laptop and was about to go to sleep, when someone barged into his room.

"You weren't sleeping, right, bhai?", the tall figure asked in the darkness.

Virat switched on the light, pointed at himself in his bed with his blanket over him, and stared at Shubman incredulously, holding back a laugh.

Shubman grinned cheekliy, "Oh, you were? Sorry."

"Koina. Tell me, what's up?", Virat smiled.

"Erm, do you want to come with me?"

"At this hour? Where?"

"It's only 11:30, bhai."

Virat sighed, "But where?"

"That is a surprise", Shubman said, "Please, please, please?"

Virat couldn't say no to that, so he got up and started getting dressed.

"You'd want to wear something nice", Shubman giggled.

Virat gave him a look, and he excused himself from the room, going to get ready himself.

Shubman passed a helmet to Virat and told him to sat behind him.

"We're going on a bike?", Virat said sceptically, "Where's your helmet?"

"Oh, I have only one. It's on your head right now."

Virat smacked Shub on the back of his head and told him to find a helmet. The latter returned a few minutes later with a helmet on his head.

The rode through the roads for a good fifteen minutes, and Virat was sure Shubman had not paid attention to one traffic limit sign. "I grew up here, bhai. I know this place", was his excuse.

They stopped in front of a brown coloured two story building. It looked homely and welcoming.

"This is my home, bhaiya", Shubman said, rather self-conscious, "You wanted to meet mum, right?"

Virat grinned brightly, immediately putting Shubman's mind to rest, and said, "Yes, of course! Let's go in. Wait, isn't it too late though?"

"It's home bhaiya. Never too late", Shubman said warmly, "Mum doesn't know I'm coming. It's a surprise!"

As they rang the bell, his mum came to the door, mumbling something about 'these people don't let me sleep in peace'.

She opened the door and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Shubu?", she immediately hugged him hard. Virat stood behind, watching them fondly.

When she released him after forever, she noticed Virat. He bent down and touched her feet.

"The Virat Kohli at our home? Oh, Shubu's dad would be so happy. Aye ji, sunte ho...", she said loudly, in typical Punjabi mom fashion. Shubman pleaded behind her to be quieter or the whole neighbourhood would wake up.

"Aunty, aunty", Virat finally managed to get her attention.

"Viratji, what will you have? Parathe, chhole, chawal, anything just name it", she said happily.

"Please, aunty, call me Virat. Shub is like my younger brother, so you're like my mom for me", Virat said sincerely.

"Haye, so sweet. Learn something from him, Shub. I hope he doesn't bother you much", Shubman's mum hit him lightly on his head.

"Not much, aunty. He's actually pretty responsible. A bit naughty, though", Virat smiled fondly.

"Oh, and I've never bullied him. I don't know what he tells you", Virat remembered why he wanted to meet her in the first place.

"After meeting you, I wouldn't believe him even if he did say that. You look so sanskari, so shareef. He's always been like naughty, this one. Arey, you didn't say, what will you eat?", his mum asked, convinced that Virat was angel.

Shubman snickered quietly. Mums do love Virat Bhai after all.

"Nothing at all, aunty. We already had dinner", Virat said in response politely.

"You forgot about me, ma", Shubman complained and his mum laughed and told him, "Chup kar!"

"You have to have something. I make the best parathe. You'll have aloo ke parathe? I'm making them, okay?", she declared.

"Mum, it's one am", Shub rang out, and his mum gave him a look that shut him up.

"I'll talk to her, bhai. You don't want to know how much butter my mum will put on those. Give me like five minutes", Shubman started to get up when Virat pulled him back on the sofa.

"Chal, pagal hai kya? Aunty is making it with so much love. I'll have it", Virat said, half scolding him.

Shubman grumbled. Why was everyone scolding him today?

But all his annoyance melted away as he saw Virat Bhai smiling, eating and talking to his parents. Some of the most important people in his life, meeting for the first time.

Well, wasn't that a good day?


A/N: Wow, that's long. as_writes requested this one, I hope you like it!

I love writing Shubman and Virat. If you have any ultra-specific requests/ideas for these two, (or just Shubman with someone) please drop them here!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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