The Missed Call (Rishabh-MSD)

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"Oh no, oh no, oh no", Rishabh muttered under his breath, with his phone on his ear.

"What happened, Rish?" Shreyas entered the room and asked him.

"Mahi bhai called me twice, and I missed those calls. Mahi bhai almost never calls, Shreyas. Half the time he barely knows where his phone is."

"Er, okay. So, you missed some calls and you're calling Mahi bhai back. Why exactly are you freaking out?"


"Hey, calm down."

"He's not answering now, Shrey. You think he's annoyed at me?"

"But you just said that he doesn't know where his phone is half the time. Maybe this is one of those times", Shreyas said placatingly.

"Or maybe he's angry", Rishabh whined.

"I don't think he can be angry at you. I don't think Mahi Bhai can be too angry at anyone. Also, no one can manage being annoyed at you, Rish. You're kinda cute."

"You're weird, Shrey. Now go away and let me bombard Mahi Bhai's phone with calls."

"Don't worry too-", Shreyas began.

"Yeah, yeah", Rishabh cut him off and he left the room with a sigh.

MSD picked the call up after what seemed like forever to Rishabh.

"Hey, Rishu. How are you?", he smiled.

"You're not annoyed at me, bhai?",  Rishabh wondered out loud.

"I'm used to people spamming me with messages and calls. Don't worry about it", MSD teased.

"No, that's not it, bhai. Are you angry that you called twice and I didn't pick up?  I didn't mean to ghost you, really. I was playing with Vamika. You know, Virat bhai's little daughter-", Rishabh ranted.

"Hey, hold your horses. First of all, and listen to me carefully, I know who Vamika is", Mahi laughed.

"Er- yeah. I knew that."

"Yes. And secondly, it's totally fine, kiddo. I know you would never ignore me on purpose. I should be the last person to complain about someone not answering my calls."

"You think that I ignored you? God, bhai, do you think that now that I'm playing well, I'll forget you? Because I will not do that, Mahi bhai. Never ever. Promise", Rishabh said apprehensively.

"Where is all this coming from, bacha? I didn't think that.  I know you. And I'm so proud of you for playing the way you are right now. Keep it up", Mahi bhai said gently.

"Thank you, bhai", Rishabh said silently.

"What's wrong?", MSD asked, knowing that Rishabh would tell him immediately. He was simple that way.

"Bhai, when I started off, everyone doubted me. Booed me off, said I didn't belong. I got used to it, bhai, you helped me deal with it. But now I don't know how to deal with this. People expecting me to do well. Cheering for me, hoping that I'll change the course of the game. What if I can't keep up with all this, bhai?"

"Rishu, don't let the outside noise get to you. Just believe in yourself and keep backing yourself. Stay focused. You have it in you, and you'll go far. I know that", MSD said with a smile.

"You're right, bhai", Rishabh said with awe.

"Am I not always? By the way, I called you to congratulate you. Fastest fifty in Tests by Indian batter? That's impressive, kiddo."

"Thank you, bhai!" Rishabh said with unadulterated joy  in his voice.

"Take care, kiddo. See you soon", Mahi smiled.

"Can't wait, bhai", Rishabh replied excitedly.

MSD shook his head fondly. He couldn't wait to meet all of them either.

A/N: Oh, my god. Did you guys see that knock? Unbelievable. It's always so much fun watching Pant bat.

If you guys have any ideas that you'd like me to write, please share them. I'd love to try them out :)!

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