Prank Gone Wrong (MayHulRat- Hardik- Jassi)

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Edit (A/N): On a totally unrelated note, does anyone here know the meaning of the Srivalli song, the hindi one? I think it has a few telugu words which I can't understand 😭. If someone knows, please let me know🤗

"Rahuliya, why does it look like a tornado hit your room?", Virat asked as he entered.

"Don't call me that! And it's because I can't find my watch", Rahul said, frustrated.

"You're usually so careful with your stuff. Where did you keep it?"

"If I would've known, I wouldn't be looking for it!"

That is when Jassi came in and said, "Am I disturbing the two of you? I wanted to be with you, Bhai."

Virat smiled and said, "No, of course not. Just that Rahuliya can't find his watch. You don't have any idea about that, do you?"

"Well, I saw Mayank and Harry looking absolutely delighted, so I'm guessing it has something to do with them", Jassi replied drily.

"CALL THEM HERE RIGHT NOW", KL shouted, and Jassi skeptically sprang into action.

Virat observed with interest as Jassi came back with Mayank and Hardik. 

"We don't know anything about any watch", they declared.

"DON'T LIE. THIS IS NOT A JOKE", KL warned them.

"Hey, hey, what's up with you, Rahul? It's just a watch, you'll find it", Virat said sensibly.

"And even if you don't, you're rich, dude", Hardik added snidely.

"It's not just a watch. It's a family heirloom. My dad trusted me with it, and it has so much emotion attached to it. I NEED THAT WATCH BACK", KL, much to his embarrassment, teared up a little. He quickly composed himself.

Harry and Mayank's eyes went comically wide.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it", Harry said.

"So, you guys had taken it", KL scowled.

"K, we're so sorry. We had no idea. We'll get it back. Get the watch, Harry", Mayank said quickly.

"No, wait up. I don't have the watch. We decided that you'll hide it, Mayo", Harry declared.

"What? No. I definitely don't have the watch. Are you crazy? You had it!"

Virat's eyebrows shot up, "So, let me get this straight. The two of you took KL's watch, hid it, and now you've apparently lost it. What the heck is wrong with you guys?"

"It was a harmless prank", Hardik defended himself.

"So, it's gone now?", KL's subdued tone broke all of their hearts.

"No, it's not. All five of us- Harry, Mayank, Jassi, you and I- we'll look for it. And we won't stop till we find it. We promise", Virat said solemnly. He meant every word he said.

"But- but what if we never find it? It's my fault, I should've kept it safely. I know the kind of doofuses you two are!", KL said.

"K, we're really sorry. It's not your fault. We'll find it, okay?", Mayank said guiltily.

All of them started searching for the watch diligently. The left no stone unturned in the process of scanning all their rooms for the watch.

"I'm such a lousy friend", Hardik sighed as he searched in his own room.

"You're not. I won't deny that what you did was stupid, though", Jassi said.

"We have to find that watch!"

"Er- Harry? What is Agasthya nibbling on?"

Hardika immediately picked his son up and put him in his lap. He took the shiny, now saliva- covered object from his hands.

"IT'S THE WATCH!", Harry said, "You're the best, Aggu!"

Jassi rolled his eyes in disbelief.

They rushed to Kl's room and almost kicked the door down. They saw a crest-fallen KL sitting there, and Virat patting his back to calm him down.

"WE FOUND THE WATCH!", Hardik shouted happily, and both of them turned to face him. Mayank heard the noise and came to the room, while Jassi explained how they found it.

"Don't tell me", Virat said incredulously.

"Thank god!", KL said, relieved.

"Again, we're so, so sorry, K. We didn't know", Mayank apologized for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah, we won't take your pustheni stuff again", Harry promised. When Jassi glared at him, he added a soft, "Sorry."

"It's fine. We're good", KL smiled for the first time in hours.

"I'm sorry for how much trouble I gave you guys. Especially you, Jassi and Virat. I kinda overreacted", he mumbled.

"It's no trouble. This is what family is for", Virat smiled.

"Yeah, causing trouble, and then helping you deal with it", Jassi said lightly, "Just so you know, I think your reaction was totally justified, Rahul."

"Let's celebrate finding the watch with ice cream", Hardik suggested brightly.

"No ice cream for the two of you. Only Rahuliya, Jassi and I will go", Virat declared, as Mayank and Hardik groaned.

"Let's take them too, na, Virat", Rahul said magnanimously.

"Alright. Just because my Rahuliya says so", Virat agreed.

"Yeah, let's go!", Harry and Mayank exclaimed happily.

Jassi and Virat chuckled, as they pulled all of them in for a hug.

A/N: Prakriti_Baliyan and Kiran1209 requested this one. Hope you like it ❤️!

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