The Trolls (Hulrat- Anushka- Athiya)

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"I'm worried about Athiya, Vi", Anushka looked up from her phone and told Virat.

"Why, what's wrong?", Virat asked, concerned.

"She's getting trolled. Because KL's not in form. It must be hard for both of them."

"It would be. God, I wish they didn't have to go through this."

"Can't we help them?"

"I guess we can talk to them. Share our own experience. What say, Nushkie?"

"Yeah. Yeah, definitely."

"I'll call Rahuliya", Virat said, as Anushka chuckled at the nickname.

Soon, Rahul burst into the room, announcing his arrival with a loud, "Yup, I'm here. What's up?"

That was when he noticed Anushka.

"Hey, bhabhi, you're here too. Sorry, I would've knocked. I didn't know", he said sheepishly.

"It's fine", she laughed, "You tell me, how are you?"

"I'm good, thanks."

"What about Athiya?", Virat got straight to the point.

"She's great", KL replied, confused.

"How's she coping with the trolls?", Anushka asked.

"What trolls?", was KL's oblivious reply.

"You don't know? She's being trolled left and right because- well, because you haven't really been performing that great", Virat said quietly.

"Damn, I did not know that. How did I not know that? She didn't tell me, she must've thought that I'd feel bad. What kind of a boyfriend am I?", KL sighed.

"It's alright, don't feel so bad, KL", Anushka reassured him.

"Talk to her, though", Virat chimed in with his advice.

"I will. Talk of the devil, and the devil calls", KL said, as his phone rang. Before picking it up, he said, "Please don't tell her I called her a devil."

"We won't. Why don't you ask her to come here?", Virat suggested, and Anushka elbowed him, saying something about private conversations.

"Yeah, I'll do that", KL agreed, though.

In a while, Athiya knocked, and on hearing Anushka's "Come in!", she entered.

"Oh, nice. Hi bhaiya, bhabhi. Hey, K", she smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me about the trolling?!", KL immediately demanded.

Athiya sighed, "I should've. I didn't want you to blame yourself or something. I couldn't bring myself to tell you. You were off social media, at least you could have some peace, even if I couldn't."

"My peace is worth nothing if it costs you yours!"

"Awwww", Virat cooed, earning another elbow from Anushka. KL blushed.

"It's hard. I won't tell you it stops affecting you, because it doesn't. This hate, this trolling, it'll hurt the two of you every damn time. But you can get through this. Together", Anushka said, her voice shaking with emotion, yet somehow stable.

"And no matter how tough it seems right now, you will get through this. It does get better", Virat smiled.

"And we're always there for you", Anushka told them.

"Finishing each-other's sentences. Couple goals", KL quipped. 

Athiya rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, that's how he deals with emotions. Joke, push them off. But, thank you, bhaiya bhabhi. It means a lot to both of us."

"Yeah. It does. Having you is a blessing", he looked straight into Virat's eyes before dropping his gaze.

"And hey, haters gonna hate. We just shake it off. Taylor Swift, always right", Athiya winked.

"That's the spirit", Anushka grinned.

"Just remember we're all in this together", Virat smiled, as KL, Athiya and Anushka nodded solemnly.

A/N: This one is set a few months back, when Athiya was trolled for KL's performances. 

The people who spread negativity about players when they're out of form, do not deserve to be a part of the players' highs. Trolling and targeting someone's family is petty and inexcusable. True Team India fans are warm and loving, not toxic. I hope more and more people realize this. 

charusweet requested this. I hope you like it (:!

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