Did You Forget My Birthday? (HulRat)

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KL was perplexed. Why had Virat not wished him yet? He usually barged in at 12 at night and wished him a bright "Happy Birthday, Rahuliya", before anyone else.

But midnight had come and gone. His Lucknow teammates had celebrated with him, and smeared him with cake. He had indulged in some friendly banter with them, but all through he kept wondering why everyone except Virat had wished him. He could at least have texted.

And now it was 8 at night on the day of his birthday. He'd had a lovely day. Virat had still not wished. Was it some sort of a prank?

Had Virat forgotten about his birthday?

Was Vamika taking away the attention that was rightfully his?

No, no, KL scolded himself, Vami is an angel. And it's not okay to be jealous of toddlers.

Finally, Kl had had enough. He decided to call Virat up.

Virat answered on the first bell.

"Hey, Rahuliya, how are you?", he said cheerfully.

"Stop with it already", KL said, assuming Virat was messing with him.

"What are you talking about?", Virat was genuinely confused.

"So you're not joking? You really forgot my birthday", KL tried to hide the misery in his voice with a chuckle.

Virat dropped his phone on the bed. KL could hear him using his most colorful vocabulary, before Virat disconnected the phone without saying anything else.

On the way to the Lucknow team's hotel, the only thing that went through Virat's mind was, "HOW COULD I?"

He almost ran towards Rahul's room, and tried to open the door. It was locked. Virat banged onto it, and shouted, "Rahul, open the door!"

KL was in no mood to respond.

"Rahul, please? I'm sorry, just open the door!", Virat tried again.

KL could not bear the thought of ignoring Virat when he sounded so desperate. But he was hurt, and he coolly replied, "No, I'm good. Thanks for coming though."

That hurt Virat more than anything else. 

"Rahul, just listen to me once. I know I've made a blunder, and I'm not asking you to forgive me. Just, please, talk to me", Virat pleaded from the other side.

Rahul realized that Virat was being loud. The rooms weren't far apart, he would attract a lot of attention if he didn't stop. Not wanting to create a scene, KL got up and opened the door.

"Oh, thank god", Virat sighed with relief. He followed KL into the room, and watched as he sat down.

KL felt guilty when he noticed the condition Virat was in. He was sweaty, his cheeks were flushed, and he looked awfully upset.

"Why don't you sit? Want some water?", KL asked quietly.

Virat sat down, but refused to have anything. Then, after a few moments of silence, Virat began, "I am so, so sorry, kiddo. I cannot believe I forgot your birthday. I remember- I always do. It's added in my calendar and everything. But I didn't have my phone with me all day, just spent some time at the pool. Damn this digital detox that Nushkie's making me do"

He continued rambling, "But that's not an excuse. I'm sorry. How can I make it up to you? I'll do anything you ask me, promise. I know I can't fix this. I'm so sorry, I'm just so sorry-"

KL cut him off, "It's okay! Stop apologizing, please. It's fine, it happens. Not a big deal."

"It is a big deal. You would've felt so bad. I'm such a bad brother. I'm sorry!", Virat held both his ears.

"Just- Just stop. I felt bad, yeah, but I understand. Happens. You are not a bad brother, you're the best one I could as for. And I- I love you", Rahul blushed, prying Virat's hands from his ears.

"I love you too!", Virat smiled, relieved.

"You still haven't wished me!", Rahul said indignantly.

"Oh, yeah! Happy Birthday, Rahuliya. You're the best!"

Virat hugged Rahul so tight, he could barely breathe.

Rahul smiled. Now his birthday was complete.

A/N: Wishing one of the KLassiest batsmen out there a very Happy Birthday! May you continue to rise and shine, Rahul 🥰🥳🙌🏻.

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