Mummy (Shubman-Virat)

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A/N: Yes, I'm alive. Hi! 👀

I'd appreciate genuine feedback, writing after long! :)

Please excuse the one line I wrote in Punjabi, if it's wrong. If anyone who speaks Punjabi could confirm it's alright, that'd be great too :).



Shubman and Virat were sitting together chatting in Virat's room after dinner, when Shubman's phone rang.

He pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at the caller ID.

"Who is it?", Virat asked as he reached out for a bottle of water.

"Mumma", Shubman replied, still not picking up the phone.

"Why are you watching it ring? Pick it up", Virat ordered him.

"Yeah, yeah. It's just an odd time for her to call", Shubman replied as he answered the call.

Virat looked at Shubman, amused, as he saw the latter explain why he had not called her the whole day.

"Yes, I had dinner, ma", he told his mum in Punjabi.

"No, I'm not outside partying, I swear", he continued as Virat snickered in the background.

Suddenly, Shubman's tone became confused, "Huh? Who told you that?"

Virat could only hear half of the conversation, which sounded like this-

"No, no, ma, nothing like that."

"Even if it were happening, it wouldn't be the first time."

"No, it's not, I'm just saying if it were happening, I'd deal with it."

"Yes, I'll tell you, I promise. Can I sleep now?"

"Okay, good night, ma."

With that, Shubman hung up the phone, and shook his head in disbelief, looking equal parts amused and annoyed.

"What was that all about?", Virat asked, amused.

"Mumma. She's always worrying", Shubman sighed.

"About what? Something wrong?"

"No, bhai. All good, pakka."

Virat just raised an eyebrow which seemed to say, 'Speak'.

Shubman looked embarrassed.

"It's nothing, bhaiya. She just, er, thought I was being ragged."

Virat nearly spit out the water he was drinking. "By who?"

"You", Shubman said, sheepishly. One look at Virat's surprised face, and Shubman died laughing. 

"What? Me? Why?", Virat's expression was priceless.

"You twisted my arm on camera that day", Shubman pointed out.

"I barely touched you!"

"And you kicked me yesterday."

"Shubman, are you telling your mum, all that because if you are-", Virat said half seriously.

"No, no. I'm not. She just saw the video and assumed", Shubman said quickly.

"This is bad. This is so bad", Virat stood up and started pacing the room.

"Why are you so worried, bhai? She's not coming for you with a belan, I promise."

"Chhitar paene hai tujhe", Virat told him. Shubman knew a threat when he heard one, so he shut up.

"Shub, call your mum and let me talk to her. No, you give me her number", Virat told him.

"What? No. Now way.", Shubman said.

"Why not?"

"You'll both complain about me to each other. I'm smarter than that. I'm not giving you her phone number!"

"Yes, you will."

"What do you even want to say to her, bhai?"

"That her kid is safe and that I'm a good and mature guy who'd never hurt someone. Would I tell you to stand on the table and introduce yourself? Absolutely. Would I kick you? No!"

"I've told her that, bhaiya. Why do even care so much?" Shubman asked, inviting a glare from Virat.

"Because mums are supposed to love me!", Virat almost whined, and Shubman tried to stifle his laugh.

"Okay, bhaiya, let's do this. You come with me to my home whenever we're in Punjab next, and you talk to her then. Or I'll make sure you speak to her when she calls tomorrow. Okay?", Shubman tried.

"Only if there'll be chhole bhature there", Virat said.

"Deal", Shubman agreed.

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