The Bet (Virat-Jaddu)

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Jaddu loved Pushpa, that dubbed South-Indian movie the whole country was going crazy after. Everyone in the team teased him about it, because- no offence- no one found it that great.

Jaddu being Jaddu didn't care. It was fun and it was trending. That's all he was concerned with.

So, when he got a wicket in the first T20 against Sri Lanka after a long, long break, he celebrated with the viral Pushpa step. All of them burst into laughter.

India won that match, and everyone was in a really good mood in the dressing room afterwards. That's when Virat called out to Jaddu-
"Ay, Jaddu, what was that celebration? You looked like an itchy monkey"

"Cheeku, I'll let you know, everyone probably loved it."

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Did not"

"Both of you, stop arguing, and congratulate Ishan!", Bhuvi said mildly, but firmly.

Neither of them considered ignoring Bhuvi. 

A couple weeks went by, and as Team India was entering the Mohali stadium for the first test match, Jaddu fell into step with Virat.

"Virat, I have a deal for you", he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Of course, Virat was up for anything and everything, so he raised an interested eyebrow.

"If I get a century or a fifer in this match, you have to do the Pushpa step. On the field. Aaand if I don't, I'll eat that rabbit food you're always trying to get us to eat", Jaddu grinned.

"Alright. Deal", Virat said, solemnly shaking his hand. Secretly though, he was hoping he'd lose this bet.

Rohit, who was passing by, saw the two guys shaking hands and made a mental note to be careful and alert.

As destiny would have it, Jadeja scored a career-best 175*, and got 9 wickets in the two innings.

And Virat, with an indulgent and proud grin on his face, performed the Pushpa step. He knew that Jaddu would gloat about winning for the next two weeks. 

But Virat would not have it any other way.

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