So, I'm an Older Brother Now (DevHul)

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A/N: Your love and comments make my day :). Keep them flowing ❤️❤️

"Er- You called me, bhai?", Dev approached KL shyly. They had been playing for Bangalore together for a little bit of time now, and he was still timid and shy.

"Yeah. I just wanted to tell you some things. Come, sit", KL smiled, in what he hoped was a comforting way. He was still new to this older-brother thing.

"So, I was thinking, we could train together. We'd be good for each other. You okay with that?", KL asked him.

"Yeah. Sounds great. Thanks, bhai", Dev replied, a bit more confident.

The next morning, when Rahul opened his room's door to go out to the team bus, he found Dev standing out there, waiting patiently.

"Since when have you been here?", KL asked, surprised.

"Good morning bhai", Dev replied brightly,  KL greeted him back, and he continued, "I just came like ten minutes back."

"What-? You've been waiting outside for ten minutes? Why didn't you call or knock or something, Devdutt?"

"I didn't want to disturb you", Dev scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, next time, please call me."

Dev nodded, and KL chuckled. 

They made their way to the ground and started warming up. After a while, they switched to fielding drills. Dev, as always, was electric on the field. He barely missed any catches, and aimed right at the stumps.

"Well done!", KL praised him, and he shot a quick thumbs up, and a bright smile.

As luck would have it, though, the very next ball Dev threw, hit KL right on his shoulder.

KL sat down, and winced in pain. The colour drained out of Dev's cheeks.

"Oh, my god. Are you okay? Should I call the physio?", he said sensibly, even though he was drowning in guilt.

"No, I'm okay", KL assured him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Dev, stop looking like you've seen a ghost!"

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm so, so sorry", Dev apologized profusely.

"It happens! This can't be the first time you've hit someone while playing. Stop worrying so much."

"Like, yeah. I've accidentally hit people before. But this was because I was being careless. And- and you're my effing captain. And so much senior-", he ranted in response.

"Language!", Kl scolded him, "And I'm not just that. I'm not just you captain or your senior. I'm your older brother. I don't know what you think of me, but you should know that I care for you. A lot."

"I know that", Dev said shyly, "I care for you, too."

KL smiled. 

"Can I ask you something, bhai?", Dev said, quietly.

"Yeah, ask away."

"Will you be my mentor? And help me become better? Please?", he said earnestly.

"I would love to do that, kiddo", KL was surprised at how the endearment just slipped out.

"Thank you, bhaiya", Dev said, both relieved and overjoyed.

"Yeah, yeah. Now come on, we have a lot to do!", KL grinned, and Dev smiled back.

KL had no idea why he found that smile so endearing.

A/N: This one's for you, @ammykj! Enjoy :).

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