Frozen Peas (Mahi-Jaddu)

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"Er- Mahi bhai? Do you have a bag of frozen peas by any chance?", Jaddu asked as he entered MSD's room.

"First of all, no. I don't have a bag of frozen peas in my suitcase", Dhoni deadpanned, "And secondly, what do you need that for? Better not be another prank."

"It's not, bhai, I promise. I need it for serious things."

"What 'serious things' can you do with peas?"

"Well, peas are really healthy. They- er- taste good. They can be flung at people-"

"- Nope. I knew you were up to something", MS interrupted.

"And they can be used as ice packs!", Jaddu finished.

That caught Mahi bhai's attention.

"Ice pack, huh? Who's hurt?", he asked.

"No one", Jadeja lied promptly.

"Yeah, you know this won't work on me. Out with the truth now", Mahi bhai demanded.

"Imayhavehurtmyself", Jadeja mumbled quickly.

"Slower and louder, Jad."

"I'm hurt, okay?", he sighed.

"God, what happened?"

"It's a slight strain. Nothing to worry about, bhai. The physio said the pain would go away in a few hours."

"Oh, good. So you've been to the physio. Why didn't you tell me straight away?"

"Because you'd worry.  Plus, you'd ask how I got hurt", Jaddu grumbled.

"And how did you get hurt?"

"Slipped on a sock in my room", Jaddu could kinda see the humour in the situation now.

"These kids", Mahi bhai chuckled, "And the peas? Why don't you get an ice pack from the physio?"

"He told me that it was nothing, and that the pain would subside soon. But let me tell you, it hurts like heck right now. I didn't want him to think I was weak, so I started to look for frozen peas", Jadeja said in a 'duh' tone.

"Jaddu, listen to me. You're one of the strongest people I know. Needing help, or hurting, or anything  doesn't make you weaker. Nor would any of us ever think that", Mahi bhai said gently.

"Yeah, okay. I- er- I'll remember that", Jaddu replied uncomfortably. He wasn't good with emotions, but Mahi Bhai's words meant a lot to him. "Can we look for frozen peas now, bhai?"

"No", Mahi bhai shook his head in disbelief, "We'll get you an ice pack. Come with me."

"Alright", Jaddu smiled.

Yeah, he'll be okay. He has Mahi bhai with him after all.

A/N: RuchaMD, you requested a Mahi-Jaddu long ago. Hope you like it!

Also, should I start publishing these OS in another book (as this one is so long), or should I continue with this one? Give your suggestions!

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