Nostalgia (MahiRat)

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Virat couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned for some time, before sitting up and sighing frustratedly.

He wished Mahi Bhai were here. He always knew what to do, and would make sure Virat fell asleep in no time. He smiled nostalgically, as he remembered that.


Virat had just joined the Indian team. It felt strange- there he was, rubbing shoulders with the people he had looked up to all his life. He was nervous, lost, maybe even afraid. But he didn't let it show.

Virat Kohli was not into vulnerability.

They were staying in a hotel, and Virat had a room alone.  Again, that was new. They always had to share rooms before this. Virat had two siblings, too- he had never slept in a room all by himself.

God, that sounds so childish, Virat scolded himself. But he just couldn't sleep. That was a huge problem, because they had practice early in the morning the day after. He decided to step out into the hotel corridors and walk for a bit. Maybe that would help.

He tried to be quiet, he really did. But it was not very often that things were quiet around Virat Kohli. He tripped on thin air and smacked into the door opposite his own. He prayed for that room to be unoccupied. Whoever was in that room would not be happy about being woken up at midnight.

Virat cursed under his breath as the door opened. He thought of running away, but that seemed like a dumb option.  Just great, he thought as he saw his captain, MS Dhoni standing there, half asleep and very confused.

"I'm so sorry, bhai. I didn't mean to wake you up. Or smack myself against your door. I didn't mean to do any of this, honestly", Virat whispered apologies.

"That's okay. Why are you up so late, Cheeku?", MSD waved off his apology, and said gently.

"I'm sorry. I know we have a practice session tomorrow. I'll go to bed right away, bhai. You won't hear a peep from me till morning, I promise-", he ranted in response

"No, I know all that. I'm asking you why you haven't slept yet. You're pretty punctual, everything is fine, right?" He amazed Virat with his concern even at midnight. Why did Mahi Bhai care so much about him?

"Er- I couldn't sleep. I don't know why", Virat opted to tell a fraction of the truth. He wasn't sure if he liked the way Mahi Bhai's eyes lit up with understanding, like he could see right through him.

"You can join me. We can sleep in one room tonight, there's plenty of space."

Virat wasn't sure if he should take up the offer. He sure as heck wanted to, but he didn't want to invade his captain's personal space. MSD saw the conflict in his eyes.

"Come on in, Cheeku, I'm sleepy", he said warmly, leading Virat into his room.

This time, Virat didn't think twice before snuggling in with his Mahi Bhai. He ran his hands through Virat's hair, and within moments, Virat was out like a light.

Virat was very embarrassed in the morning about what had happened, but when Mahi Bhai assured him that it was totally fine, he felt better. After that, whenever he couldn't sleep, he would quietly slip into Mahi Bhai's room and snuggle close to him. That would always, always help.

*Flashback ends*

Virat missed Mahi Bhai so, so much. But it was just a matter of days before they'd meet in the IPL. I'll call him in the morning, Virat promised himslef.

Just that thought comforted him. Maybe he'd be able to sleep now, afterall.

A/N: Here's the MahiRat OS you requested, @muktiikyyy. Hope you like it :).

Thank you for all the love you've been showering on the series, everyone. Keep supporting ❤️!

There'll be patches when I might not be able to update as often, but I won't disappear, pakka 😝. 

Also, Happy Holi in advance, everyone! May the festival of colours fill your lives with joy, love and prosperity 🙌🏻.

Lots of Love

P.S. Did anyone read the whole A/N, or am I ranting to myself 😂😂?

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