The Best Motivator on the Planet (Virat-Ishan)

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"Ishan, Virat bhai wants to talk to you", Jassi called out in the dressing room after RCB had won the game against them.

"Oh, no. Can you tell him I'm not there? Or that I'm not well?", Ishan mumbled.

"Why?", Jassi was surprised, "Don't you want to talk to him?"

"It's not that. I just... I just can't bear the thought of meeting him after my performance. How many runs have I scored? 100- something in eight games, right? Great", Ishan said bitterly.

"Arre, Virat bhai won't think any less of you because you didn't score. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience. Talk to him. Doing that makes almost everything better", Jassi said, with a pat on Ishan's back.

Ishan nodded, got up, and went out to meet Virat. No point avoiding what has to happen, he thought, just rip off the band aid and all.

There weren't many people on the field. As soon as Virat spotted Ishan, he started walking towards him.

"Hey, how are you?", Virat said pleasantly.

"Hi, bhai. I'm fine, thanks", Ishan gave the standard response.

"Alright, so, formalities done. Now tell me, how are you?", Virat put an arm around Ishan's shoulder. 

Ishan sighed, looked at the ground and said, "Awful."

Virat patiently waited for Ishan to continue.

"You know, bhaiya, I feel like I'm letting everyone down. And that maybe I don't deserve to be here", Ishan's voice began to break. Within a few moments, tears were gently running down his cheeks, and he hastily tried to wipe them. He continued, "Like, am I good enough? What if I don't score well again? Was it all just a fluke? What if- if-"

"Hey, hey, hey, stop right there", Virat softly said, "You've worked hard to be here. You have the right aptitude and attitude. It's just a bad phase, it happens to every person on earth. You'll overcome this, and you'll come out of it stronger. I promise."

Ishan sniffled in response.

"It's probably hypocritical of me to say this, but I will, anyway. Stop overthinking. You'll be fine", Virat smiled.

Ishan just cried harder.

"I'm so sorry, I know I'm being a baby, I shouldn't cry like this. Sorry, bhaiya", Ishan tried to stop his tears from falling out.

"Come on, kiddo. Let it out. It's just me, I won't judge", Virat softly said. He tightened his grip on Ishan's shoulder.

It took a few minutes, but then Ishan calmed down.

"I will practice hard, bhaiya, and I'll get better. I won't stop till I get my confidence back, bhaiya, I promise", Ishan said, with a determined look in his eyes.

"That's the spirit!", Virat praised him.

Ishan, eager not to appear thankless, said, "Thank you, bhaiya, you're the best motivator on the planet!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go back to your team now, or they'll think I'm brainwashing you", Virat teased him.

"You know they won't", Ishan said cheekily before jogging back to their dressing room.

Virat was just glad his kiddo was smiling again.

A/N: On the request offff....  @honeybelle_   😁. Hope you like it!

I cannot believe MSD is not the captain of CSK anymore. Virat and Mahi bhai will never walk out for a toss together again 😭. 

Just, wishing Mahi bhai all the best for his new role, and all his future endeavors ❤️.

Truly the end of  an era 💔🤞🏻

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