Lord's (Virat-Jinks-Jassi)

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A/N: Set during the Lord's Test last year, which is one of my favourite test matches ❤️.

Credit for the eye- communication idea goes to bleedblue2011 di. I'm not stealing it, just borrowing 👀🙈.

Also, wishing Jinks the happiest birthday 🥰. You're the best ✨!



"It's just sledging, Vi. You do it all the time. He can handle it, trust me", Rohit spoke up.


"Hey, not in front of the kids!", Rohit protested.

Virat wasn't listening. He was proudly clapping at Jassi's shot, all while muttering the choicest curses.

"Virat, you need to calm down. Don't get so worked up", Rohit suggested.

"MEH", Virat was still not ready to speak at an acceptable volume.

"Virat, listen to me", Jinks finally approached him. Rohit looked at him thankfully.

"Nah", was Virat's brief answer.

Jinks looked at him. 

{A/N: Italics for 'em communicating through eye contact}

Yes. I'm not taking no for an answer.  His eyes said.

Alright, hmph. Virat answered.

They went in the dressing room.

"Promise me you won't get too angry at 'em when we walk out to field?", Jinks tried.

"Oh, I'm not making any such promises", Virat replied flippantly.

"Alright, but you won't show it? You'll try to keep it contained?"

"Maybe", Virat challenged him.

Jinks raised his eyebrows.

What?, Virat asked.

You're supposed to be a role model. You know that, Jinks replied.

But- he's my little brother. The most innocent of them at that, Virat whined.

I'll talk to him, okay? Just- just don't do anything too stupid on the field.

Alright. But only because it's you. And I trust you, Virat gave in.

Virat took everyone downstairs to give Shami and Bumrah a thundering round of applause when India declared. ("The sound of us clapping should always echo in the halls of Lords!", he said.) Jinks was okay with this. In fact, he was secretly proud of Virat was handling it this way.

In the break between innings, Jinks walked up to Jassi.

"Well done, kiddo", he smiled.

"Thanks, bhaiya", Jassi's eyes lit up.

"You alright? That- er- that couldn't've been pleasant", Jinks said carefully.

"Yeah, it was bad. Why do people always target me?"

Jinks had no answer to the question.

"Is it because they know I won't talk back? Jassi's too nice to say anything, so we can say anything to his face", Jassi continued miserably.

"No, no, kiddo. You didn't swear back, because that's not in your nature. And that's a very good thing. I'm proud of for that", Jinks said gently, and Jassi gave a small smile.

"But you did give them a solid reply. By far the best I've seen you bat, kiddo. I loved those earnest blocks, you looked so cute", Jinks half-teased.

"Come on, bhaiya", Jassi blushed.

"And now you can let your ball speak for you. You're the bigger person, and you're so good at heart. Don't ever feel bad for that", Jinks told him.

Jassi nodded sincerely, ready to give it his all.

Virat silently observed the two of them. He was so lucky to have such brothers in his life.

Strangely, now he felt calm. 

Little did the world know that it was the calm before the storm.

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