Need your Help (HulRat)

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"Virat, er, can I talk to you?", KL asked as he entered Virat's room.

"Of course you can. Since when do you ask before unloading all your problems on me?", Virat cheekily replied.

"I'm.. I mean... Argh!", KL groaned.

"Is everything okay, kiddo?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Fine, fine. But I'm worried now. What's up, Rahuliya?"

Rahul groaned again before saying, "If I tell you, promise you won't laugh. Or tell anyone."

"I won't. Pinky swear."

"You know... Athiya?"

"Yeah, what about her?", Virat chuckled softy.

"She wants me... to meet her dad."

"That's so good, Rahuliya! Oh my god, have you decided what you'll wear?"

"No, I didn't get enough time."

"How come?"

"I was too busy freaking out."

"What?! Why on Earth were you freaking out?", Virat was trying his best not to laugh.

"Let's see. First, he's my girlfriend's father. Second, he's SUNIEL SHETTY. Yeah, I don't see what's worrying about that either", Rahul said, half sarcastic, half serious.

"Oh, don't worry. He'll like you. I'm sure. You're a pretty likable person."

"But I don't know what to wear or how to act around him!"

"I'll help you with the clothes. And give you tips to charm him", Virat winked.

"Really? Virat, that'll be so great!"

"Only if you call me bhai for a week."

"Wait, what-"

"I'm just kidding. Come on, now, we've got a lot of work to do."

"Thank you so much, Virat bhaiya", KL said.

Virat smiled like a Cheshire cat.

A/N: @Anzee1199 this one's for you :). Enjoy!

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